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Breath of Abundance ~ Manifest Meditation ~ Attract Abundance into your Life

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Breath of Abundance ~ Manifest Meditation ~ Attract Abundance into your Life

Guided Meditation that will guide you to filling your body and soul with the incredible feeling of abundance. Using the Law of Attraction, you will manifest more abundance into your life. It will allow you to attract amazing abundance into your life, in all areas of your life. You will focus on the prosperity in your life, allowing gratitude into your heart, and creating intentions that will create a beautiful universe around you.

Welcome to the Breath of Abundance meditation, where the universe's abundance flows through every inhale and exhale. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and let your awareness settle into the rhythm of your breath.
Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, imagining you are drawing in the limitless energy of abundance. Feel this energy as a warm, golden light filling your lungs, spreading through your entire being, and permeating every cell of your body.
As you exhale gently through your mouth, release any doubts, fears, or feelings of lack. Let go of any limiting beliefs that may have held you back from embracing the abundance that is your birthright. Allow your breath to carry away all that no longer serves you.
With each breath, feel the essence of abundance expanding within you. Visualize yourself surrounded by a radiant aura of prosperity and fulfillment. See this aura shining brightly, attracting positive opportunities and experiences into your life.
As you continue to breathe, let gratitude fill your heart. Feel appreciation for all the blessings you already have and all the ones that are on their way. Gratitude is the key that opens the door to abundance, and as you express gratitude, you invite even more abundance to flow towards you.
Now, take a moment to focus on your intentions. What abundance do you seek in your life? Is it financial prosperity, loving relationships, personal growth, or something else? Whatever it may be, see yourself already living in that state of abundance. Embrace the feeling of fulfillment and joy that comes with it.
With each breath, reaffirm your intentions, knowing that the universe is conspiring to support you in manifesting them. Trust that you are worthy of abundance and that it is available to you in infinite ways.
As you breathe in, imagine the universe showering you with blessings, like a gentle rain of abundance. As you breathe out, send out your intentions and desires into the vast cosmos, knowing that the universe hears you and responds in kind.
Know that you are a co-creator of your reality, and with every breath, you are shaping the abundant life you deserve. Allow this sense of empowerment to fill your entire being, knowing that you have the power to attract and manifest abundance in all areas of your life.
When you are ready, take one last deep breath in, and as you exhale. Know that you carry the feeling of abundance with you wherever you go. Know that the breath of abundance is always within you, ready to be tapped into whenever you need it. Just relax into that wonderful presence of abundance.
Listen for as long as you would like as you fill your heart, your being, your soul with abundance with every breath in and out.

MANIFEST BEYOND BELIEF PROGRAM: https://bit.ly/47aozk7

Видео Breath of Abundance ~ Manifest Meditation ~ Attract Abundance into your Life канала Dauchsy
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21 августа 2023 г. 7:30:21