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Number 10
The Boerboel is of South African origin.
The name, Boerboel, is Afrikaans for farmer’s dog.
The breed was developed in South Africa around the 17th century by certain Dutch settlers to defend the home and help hunt wildlife. Wildlife that Boerboels helped hunt included hyenas, baboons, leopards, and other big cats. So, as you can see, it’s a pretty strong breed.
Now, be sure to keep watching as we reveal the most important thing to know about the Boerboel at number one. It could make you reconsider your options or even strengthen your decision to get the Boerboel. But for now, let’s check out what’s at number 9.
Number 9
The Boerboel breed almost went extinct.
After the World Wars, urbanization in South Africa increased rapidly, which ultimately meant fewer hunting expeditions. As a result, many started to crossbreed the Boerboel with other dog breeds, not paying attention to breed purity.
This affected the Boerboel population and the breed gradually started going extinct.
But in the 1980s, a set of enthusiasts decided to start breeding pure Boerboels again and this was how the breed regained popularity in South Africa. Still, Boerboels remain a rare breed outside of South Africa till now.
Number 8
Boerboels have an overprotective instinct.
Although they are playful and eager to please, when a Boerboel loves, he doesn’t leave his overprotective streak behind. This instinct is what makes them excellent guard dogs and protectors.
For this reason, training and socialization is very important. If you don’t train and socialize them well enough, they could get fiercely aggressive and territorial towards visitors.
But sometimes, this aggression might not just be directed at visitors, it could also be targeted at you and your loved ones. Why?
Number 7
Boerboels get bored easily.
Boerboels need a lot of physical and mental stimulation because, left to themselves for too long, they tend to get bored and anxious. And once feeling this way, you can expect destructive and potentially aggressive behavior to follow suit.
This is why you must engage your Boerboel with vigorous activities, challenging play devices like puzzle feeders, and long walks. This will keep your Boerboel’s mind sharp and keep them from going rogue.
But you can’t do all this if you don’t keep in mind one critical fact about Boerboels.
Number 6
Boerboels need space.
This is why you can’t raise a Boerboel in an apartment. They need enough room to accommodate all their exercise demands.
You want to raise your Boerboel in a home with a spacious backyard and a high fence so they have enough room to run and play safely. Anything less, and you’re just asking for trouble.
Speaking of trouble, let’s check out our number five thing you need to know about the Boerboel breed.
Number 5
Boerboels are a healthy breed with a few hereditary conditions.
Boerboels are generally a healthy breed but they also have a few hereditary conditions. These conditions may or may not appear in your dog but it’s important to know the risks, regardless.
Boerboels are naturally predisposed to ailments such as heart disease, hip or elbow dysplasia, vaginal hyperplasia, and bloating.
And since we’re here, it’s very important you pay attention to the next thing we’re about to say.
Number 4
Boerboels eat a lot!
Get ready to feed your dog a lot of food regularly if you decide on getting a Boerboel.
Boerboels are large dogs with high energy demands. So, their bodies need to be supplied with all the right nutrients to help them keep going.
The best type of food to feed your Boerboel is dry dog food as wet foods tend to lead to dental decay.
Number 3
Boerboels live relatively long lives.
The average Boerboel lives about 10 years but there are those that live up to 12 years as well. This means that you get plenty of time with this breed if you choose to get one.
Of course, this depends on the quality of life you give to your dog. Feed him well, keep him exercised, and have the vet on speed dial and you will have long years with your dog.
We’re getting closer to the most important thing you need to know about the Boerboel. So, make sure you sit tight for it. Especially if you’ve never owned a dog before, it’s something you don’t want to be unaware of.
Number 2
Boerboels are great with kids but not unfamiliar ones
A Boerboel will protect your children with his life but there lies the problem too.
When children get together and play, there is often a lot of roughhousing and because a dog, naturally, doesn’t know what to make of it, he might come to the conclusion that his kid is being attacked.

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