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Week 2 Let God Change The Way You Think

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1 Corinthians 2:16 “For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. AMPC‬‬‬‬‬‬

Your true identity is “You have the Mind Christ!” You are not trying to get the mind of Christ. You have it within you already! Embrace that truth and trust the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind with the thoughts of God.

God’s Thoughts are Only Understood by His Spirit

1 Corinthians 2:11: “After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit? So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by his Spirit, the Spirit of God.” TPT

1 Corinthians 2:14: “Someone living on an entirely human level rejects the revelations of God’s Spirit, for they make no sense to him. He can’t understand the revelations of the Spirit because they are only discovered by the illumination of the Spirit.” TPT

God’s thoughts are only fully understood by His Spirit. But someone who is living entirely on a human level- relying upon their own ability to think right and relying on their own opinion about a situation, rejects the revelations of God’s Spirit, for they make no sense to them. When we depend on ourselves to think right we will never experience the Mind of Christ because the thoughts of God are only discovered by the Holy Spirit illuminating our minds with the Truth, and empowering us to think like God.

Two Ways to Live!

Romans 8:6: “For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.” TPT

Romans 8:6: Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]. AMPC

The Holy Spirit longs to be welcome. God Gives Grace to the Humble

James 4:5-6 5 Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love?6 But He gives us more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it). AMPC

What is the Grace of God?

2 Corinthians 1:12: “the grace of God (the unmerited favor and merciful kindness by which God, exerting His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, and keeps, strengthens, and increases them in Christian virtues).” AMPC

The Bible teaches us to renew our minds, but who renews our minds?

Romans 12:2: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” NLT

Romans 12:2: “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.” TPT

Philippians 2:13: “ [Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.” AMPC

Proverbs 16:3: “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.” AMPC‬‬

It is God who changes the way we think. When we look to Him and ask Him to change the way we think, He will totally transform the way we think about everything! Then we will be able to discern and understand the thoughts, feelings and purposes of God’s heart as we live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes!

Look to Jesus and embrace the Truth that you have been given His very mind as a gift of His grace and trust Him to change the way you think, you’ll find your thoughts and feelings changing from the inside out by the power of the Holy Spirit! And you’ll begin to experience the beautiful life that Jesus came to give you!

Видео Week 2 Let God Change The Way You Think канала Connie Witter
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4 октября 2018 г. 5:07:26