Russian antique trade
The international community of antiquaries specializing in the trade of old books has long been looking with interest towards the Russian antique market. But she doesn't know anything about it. In order to eliminate this information vacuum, in September 2019, the Russian Guild of antiquarian booksellers prepared a detailed report for the annual conference of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) with a story about what the domestic market of old books is, what its current size and development prospects are, and who its participants are.
We have included everything here: the history of the book market over the past 100 years, features of the antique trade in Russia today, the typology of buyers of old books, forms of trade from online resources to auction houses, where and how to teach an antique dealer, which publications are in demand. Experts of "Adelanta Consulting Group" translated this report into English and French, planning to mount video presentations for European and American colleagues in the future. We hope that Russian collectors and lovers of old books will find some useful information for themselves.
Видео Russian antique trade канала Adelanta
We have included everything here: the history of the book market over the past 100 years, features of the antique trade in Russia today, the typology of buyers of old books, forms of trade from online resources to auction houses, where and how to teach an antique dealer, which publications are in demand. Experts of "Adelanta Consulting Group" translated this report into English and French, planning to mount video presentations for European and American colleagues in the future. We hope that Russian collectors and lovers of old books will find some useful information for themselves.
Видео Russian antique trade канала Adelanta
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