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Satu Gigit TIGA Tekstur! Resep Fudgy Cookie Brownies [Tanpa Mixer]

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00:00 : intro
01:47 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:32 : mulai membuat adonan brownies (making the brownies batter)
03:56 : mulai membuat adonan cookie (making the cookie dough)
05:19 : membuat crumble (making the crumble)
06:11 : mulai panggang (start baking)
06:51 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Brownies. Cookie Brownies ini cocok banget untuk kamu yang suka cookies dan brownies. Menggabungkan 2 jenis kue dalam 1 loyang. Perpaduan tekstur lembut, lengket, dan padat cookie brownies ditambah dengan crumble dari biskuit semakin kaya rasa. Bisa dijadikan camilan dan dihidangkan bersama susu, teh atau kopi.

Resep Fudgy Cookie Brownies (12 pcs)

Bahan adonan cookies:
50 gr gula pasir
82 gr brown sugar
1/2 sdt garam
57 gr mentega cair
1 butir telur
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
100 gr protein sedang
½ sdt baking soda
75 gr choco chip

Bahan adonan brownies:
77 gr mentega cair
87 gr gula pasir
2 butir telur
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
25 gr cokelat bubuk
53 gr tepung protein sedang
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt baking powder
30 gr biskuit Roma Kelapa

Bahan crumble:
60 gr biskuit Roma Kelapa
20 gr mentega cair

1. Untuk adonan brownies, kocok gula pasir, mentega cair, dan gula pasir hingga tercampur rata
2. Masukkan cokelat bubuk, tepung terigu, ekstrak vanila, dan baking powder. Aduk rata
3. Tambahkan biskuit Roma Kelapa yang dihancurkan, aduk rata
4. Untuk adonan cookies, kocok gula pasir, brown sugar, dan telur hingga tercampur rata
5. Masukkan baking soda, ekstrak vanila, garam, dan tepung terigu. Aduk rata
6. Tambahkan chocochip, aduk rata. Lalu pindahkan ke piping bag
7. Untuk crumble, hancurkan biskuit Roma Kelapa. Tambahkan mentega cair lalu aduk rata
8. Panaskan oven 180°C
9. Alasi loyang 20x11 cm dengan kertas roti, tuang adonan brownies lalu ratakan
10. Semprotkan adonan cookies di layer kedua lalu beri taburan crumble di atasnya
11. Panggang selama 30-35 menit
12. Tunggu kue benar-benar dingin baru keluarkan dari loyang
13. Sajikan Fudgy Cookie Brownies dengan es krim

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC

Instagram: https://instagram.com/brewsuniq
Website: https://brewsuniq.com


3 Textures in 1 Bite. No-Mixer Fudgy Cookie Brownies Recipe

This Cookie Brownies is a great dessert for those of you who love cookies and brownies. It's a combination of two types of cakes in one pan. The soft, sticky, and firm cookie brownies texture with the biscuit crumble make this dessert even more decadent. It's great for snacks and to be served with milk, tea, or coffee.

Fudgy Cookie Brownies Recipe (12 pcs)

Cookie Dough ingredients:
50 g regular sugar
82 g brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
57 g melted butter
1 pc egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
100 g medium-protein flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
75 g chocolate chips

Brownies Batter ingredients:
77 g melted butter
87 g regular sugar
2 pc eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
25 g cocoa powder
53 g medium-protein flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
30 g Roma Kelapa biscuit

Crumble ingredients:
60 g Roma Kelapa biscuit
20 g melted butter

1. For the brownies batter, whisk the sugar, melted butter, and eggs. Mix well.
2. Add the cocoa powder, flour, vanilla extract, and baking powder. Mix well.
3. Add the crumbled Roma Kelapa biscuits. Mix well.
4. For the Cookie Dough, whisk the regular sugar, brown sugar, and eggs. Mix well.
5. Add the baking soda, vanilla extract, salt, and flour. Mix well.
6. Add the chocolate chips. Mix well and transfer to a piping bag.
7. For the crumble, crumble the Roma Kelapa biscuit. Add the melted butter in and mix well.
8. Heat the oven to 180°C.
9. Line a 8" x 4" baking pan with a baking paper. Pour the brownies batter in and even out the surface.
10. Pipe the cookie dough as the second layer and sprinkle the crumble on top.
11. Bake for 30-35 minutes.
12. Wait until the cake has cooled down completely before removing it from the pan.
13. Serve the Fudgy Cookie Brownies with ice cream.


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Видео Satu Gigit TIGA Tekstur! Resep Fudgy Cookie Brownies [Tanpa Mixer] канала Devina Hermawan
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3 июля 2020 г. 14:00:14