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Как найти своё призвание? Светлана Копцева How to know what is the business of your life?

Have you ever felt that you are different? Have you realized that you would not like to dedicate yourself to a boring job in which you are not interested at all.

Have you ever been told that you won’t succeed and make money with your creative work?

I have been told more than once. Therefore, I want to share my story with you.

I was the only one in my family who always aspired to creativity. From an early age I realized that I wanted to dedicate my life to the creation. But I still needed to understand how to express my feelings.

I tried everything: painting, sculpture etc.

I was always looking for an inspiration. I was afraid that it would last a lifetime, and I would never find my life-work that would reveal me completely and bring a harmony to my soul. I was afraid until one simple thought occurred to me - searching is normal. It's good. We don’t have to be afraid of searching, as it is a meaning and an essence of life of a creative person.

As soon as the fear has gone, my life-work appeared.

When I started working on big floristics, a completely new world opened for me. The world of endless possibilities. Flowers captured me completely and have not let go for several years.

Many people didn't understand my desire to work with big flowers. They supposed it was nonsense and waste of money. And when I spend the whole night decorating the event area for a wedding or birthday party, they just twisted a finger at a temple.

My feelings were hurt sometimes. But I never thought to obey and quit my favourite business, because my family always supported me. My husband always believed in me, helped me and pulled me out of difficult periods when fatigue overflowed me like waves in a restless ocean. I am lucked out with him. I bless stars for meeting him.

Big flowers are not just a hobby. They fulfil all my dreams, bring to my life interesting and important people, and of course, bring a good income. Flowers are my guardian angel, who protects me from the wrong choice and leads to the realization of my intimate desires.

And now I want to share my knowledge and experience with you, my dear students. I want you to believe that you do not need to be afraid of changes, your desires and other people's opinions. Creativity does not make money? It’s a nonsense, do not listen to anyone. Do as you feel. Change your life, follow your dream. Fear will pass, I will help you overcome it, I will tell you how I have overcome once. I want every woman to believe in herself and understand that she is special.

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Видео Как найти своё призвание? Светлана Копцева How to know what is the business of your life? канала Светлана Копцева БОЛЬШИЕ ЦВЕТЫ
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