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Trump stands firm because 'Democrats failed to give losers' consent for four years'

Broadcaster Kel Richards says the expression ‘losers’ consent’ was coined in 2005 by a British academic and signifies the consent which losers must give the election result, else “the foundations of democracy start to wobble”.

“As far as I can tell, the expression ‘losers’ consent’ was coined in 2005 by a British academic, Professor Anderson at the University of Warwick,” Mr Richards said.

“His idea is that in every election there are winners and losers, and both have to agree on the result - and that’s what losers’ consent is.

“If the losers refuse to give their consent, if there’s a failure of losers’ consent, the foundations of Democracy start to wobble."

Mr Richards said the best example of a rejection of losers’ consent was in 2016, where Democrats stood on the streets of Washington the day after Trump was elected, holding placards saying: “not my president”.

“I know for those people that their candidate didn’t win, the other candidate won. But legally, he is their president - that’s what losers’ consent is,” he said.

“We’ve just had four years of a refusal to give losers' consent. It’s come from the Democratic party; it’s come from the left-wing of the mainstream media.

“Dreadful things like the Russian collusion debacle, the impeachment, Hilary Clinton saying in television interviews she really won the election.

“The result is the Democrats have made this part of American political culture - they should not be surprised when what they have made part of the American political culture comes back to bite them now.

“While there are states that haven’t declared their final and official result, while there are legal disputes - and the courts are part of the democratic process - then it’s perfectly reasonable, given where American culture is now, for Trump not to concede, not to concede until the law says he has to concede and it hasn’t gone that far yet.

“The reason he is standing as firmly as this, I’m convinced, is four years of a rejection of losers' consent by the Democrats.”

Видео Trump stands firm because 'Democrats failed to give losers' consent for four years' канала Sky News Australia
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11 ноября 2020 г. 14:27:31