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First Adam & the Last Adam | Life-Giving Spirits Created for Dominion | No more Fallen Conscience

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What is a life giving spirit
Is Jesus the last Adam
Why is Jesus the second Adam
Let them have dominion
What is the fallen conscience
Living soul vs quickening spirit
What am i created for
Why is Jesus the firstborn among many brethren
Let us make man in Our image
Spirit soul and body
What is the gospel

If you want to know what the true gospel is, and what Jesus came for, we need to understand what God originally designed. And the best place to start is the beginning. Genesis 1 tells us that God created the Heavens and the Earth and then placed man in the garden.

In Genesis 1:26,27, God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them have dominion, over the fish of the sea, over the foul of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth… God created man in His own image… and said to them, have dominion…
God created man just like Him, in His image and likeness. He created man to govern everything created.

Genesis 2 says, The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Man was created when the breath of life came into his nostrils. That’s when he became a living soul. Man is the combination of spirit, soul and body. The 'breath of life' in us is the spirit. We were formed of the dust of the ground which is the created part. The spirit is the eternal part. And the two functioning together makes us a living soul. Adam was made a living soul.

1Corinthians 15:45 says, and so it is written, the first man Adam, was made a living soul. But the last item was made a life giving spirit.

So what's the difference? Well, when the first Adam was made a living soul, everything was alive, until he partook of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is where everything fell apart. He became subject to creation. The eternal part of him, the spirit, the co-creator part of him, also got subjected to the creation.

It’s the nature of fallen man to always let our bodies tell us what to do. Creation tells us what to do, the world tells us what to do. We’re always subject to an outside opinion. We judge ourselves by what we see. Circumstances dictate who we are. We’re always letting the world define our identity. This is the nature that Adam took on when he ate of the fruit. Creation began to get prominence over the co-creator.

When Eve was tempted by the enemy, she saw that the fruit was good for food, good to look at and that it would make her wise. How can a fruit make you wise? How can fruit determine who you are? That was the first instance of how creation began to rule over the co-creator.

God designed man to rule over creation and to decide what creation should do. That's why He brought the animals to Adam, to see what He would name them.

Adam was not created in a completely mature state of existence. God’s continual fellowship with man indicates that there was a maturity and growth process involved. It was supposed to be based on fellowship and relationship. That was the plan.

God created us for relationship, so that we could spend time with him and get to know Him. And rule over creation as Him. He created a dimension called the physical realm for us to rule and govern, as Him and with Him. That is why He said, "Let us make man in our image, and in our likeness." But after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, they hid from God. And when He asked them about it, they said, "we were naked." That was the first time their fallen conscience kicked him. And this brings us to the second Adam.

Hebrews 9 and10 talks about how the blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works and everything that makes us guilty before our Father. It reconciled us back to Him.

1Corinthians 15 says that the second Adam is a life-giving spirit. Why Life-Giving Spirit? Because everything was subjected to futility and lifelessness. Life no more flowed from the relationship that God had with man. That's why Romans 8 says that creation is waiting for the manifestation and the revelation of the sons of God.

As Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren, who we are, life flows from us. We are life-giving spirits, just as He is. This is the new creation.

So what did Jesus do? He came in the form of the first Adam; died on the cross; and that was the end of the first Adam. He rose from the dead as the new creation — born again. We died in Him, and as Him. He died as us and we were born as a new creation, exactly as He is.

He said, "All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. Go therefore."

We have been born as new creations exactly as the 'Firstborn among many brethren.' We have His nature and everything that He is. This is who we are.


Social Media: @LifeDeeperStill

Видео First Adam & the Last Adam | Life-Giving Spirits Created for Dominion | No more Fallen Conscience канала Living From Eternity
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25 февраля 2020 г. 17:42:44