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Learn Russian Language Vlog #1 | Hiking: Nature And Thoughts (part 1)

Hello, friends! :) I'm a HUGE fan of travelling, hiking and nature!

This is the first episode of my 'Learn Russian' - Vlog and it is about my travelling to an amazing park in Wuhan, China. You will find here a lot of new words and phrases about transportation, nature and so on.

This video mostly is for intermediate Russian learners, but beginners might also find it interesting, because it has a translation for the key phrases, so you can catch the meaning.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Russian language or this episode and if you like travelling as well let me know - what inspires you the most!

Let's share our thoughts!:) Cheers!

Видео Learn Russian Language Vlog #1 | Hiking: Nature And Thoughts (part 1) канала Russian With Max
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