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The Time C-3PO PUNCHED a Fake CLONE TROOPER and Knocked Him Out - Star Wars

As the Clone Wars continued to get more and more intense, The very small amount of Jedi Generals, along with their Clone Troopers were spread very thin across the numerous planets of the Galaxy. Because of this, many senators and Diplomats Like Padme Amidala went on their own peace-making missions to try to end the war peacefully. On one of these missions, Padme took C-3PO and R2-D2 with her. As you can imagine, things took a turn when C-3PO punched out a fake Clone Trooper, knocking him unconscious, and indirectly causing the deaths of many people.

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The story begins on the jungle filled outer rim world of Bri’Ahl, where C-3PO and R2-D2 have been deployed by Padme.

The two had stolen a local Bri’Ahlian sky-sled for faster travel, and R-2 assured his golden friend that he was capable of piloting the alien craft. Of course, R-2 failed miserably at this, leading them harshly to crash into the muddy ground of the planet, and tearing C-3po’s golden head from his body.

As usual with these two, they immediately start bickering like old brothers, and C-3po is furious at R-2s failure to pilot the ship. R-2 tries to blame the turbulence from the thick atmosphere of the planet for his crash, but C-3PO snaps back telling him that they were only six meters off the ground, and that they flew straight into a tree. Their fight continues with artoo trying to say C-3po distracted him while flying, but the golden protocol droid is having none of it, and urges R-2 to get back to work. Padme instructed the two to not stray too far from the presidential palace, but now they’re lost deep in the dense forest of the planet.

After hearing enough from threepio, artoo storms off down a nearby hill, much to the anger and frustration of c-3po.

After being left to lie as a decapitated head on the cold, muddy ground, for quite some time, Threepio is frightened when notices a large local creature walking up to him and inspecting his detached head.

He tries to shoo the local creature away from the area, but his voice projection circuits don’t do enough, instead leading to him being picked up and violently shaken around, before the long- nosed green creature tosses him away without a thought.

C-3po’s head then bounches rapidly down the nearby hill, and after a few hard clanks into the ground, he sees his old friend strolling back up the hill. He is shocked and thankful to see that ARtoo didn’t just leave him, but instead retrieved his body from the crash site.

He doesn’t have much time to thank his old friend however, as his head goes tumbling down the nearby cliff, springing the little astromech into action, causing him to zoom down to chase the rolling golden head.

C-3pos head continues rolling and rolling, all the way until it reaches the bottom of a nearby lake, but R-2 doesn’t give up, continuing to follow it and move it forward.

Moments later however, R-2 picks up the head and offers it to one of the roaring, native beasts on the planet, much to the fright of threepio.

Finally, R-2 sends a shocking amount of electricity through the native beast, causing it to enter a state of rage and anger, before flinging the two droids high into the air, and across the surface of the planet.

As this is happening, a group of local bri’ahl natives are sitting around a cindering camp fire, discussing their hatred of the Republic and getting very angry that Senator Padme Amidla thinks she can come to their homeworld and try to get them to join the republic. Unfortunately for these local separatists, the president of the planet, Vuul, is fully on board with padme’s plan and wants to join the Republic as soon as possible.

One of the locals says “Desperate times call for drastic measures”, hoping to begin a rebellion against the Republic on their world, but the others arent’ fully convinced yet, wondering “Will the separatists keep their promise to leave Bri’Ahl Alone? Can we trust this Dooku?

The other pink skinned locals chime in, saying “Count dooku has equipped our men with the Clone Trooper armor and weaponry. I have no reason to doubt his sincerity”.

Using this Clone Trooper, they plan to sneak into the presidential palace on the planet and assassinate both the Senator from Naboo, Padme and President Vuul himself, so that the separatists can swoop in and take the planet.

The local rebels then raise a toast to their future as separatists, but before they can even finish, the bouncing golden head of c-3po bonks right on top of one of their heads, send him straight into the rocky ground, before his metallic body and R2 himself knock out the other two.

Threepio berates artoo for codly knocking out those local rebels, but he doesn’t tell him off for too long, as he quickly notices that his head isn’t screwed on right, asking artoo

Видео The Time C-3PO PUNCHED a Fake CLONE TROOPER and Knocked Him Out - Star Wars канала StarForceOne
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18 декабря 2020 г. 0:11:31