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The “siero innesto” process in making Parmigiano Reggiano

The "siero innesto" process is a pivotal step in crafting Parmigiano Reggiano. This technique involves introducing whey from the previous batch into the milk. The whey acts as a natural starter culture, kickstarting the fermentation process. This traditional method imparts unique microbial flora to the cheese, contributing to its distinctive flavor and texture. The "siero innesto" not only ensures consistency in production but also connects each wheel to the rich heritage of Parmigiano Reggiano. It's a testament to the artful fusion of tradition and science in creating this revered Italian cheese. #ParmigianoReggiano #ParmigianoReggianoCheese #Parmesan #ParmesanCheese #ItalianCheese #CheeseLovers #Cheese #TraditionalItalianFood #ItalianFood

Видео The “siero innesto” process in making Parmigiano Reggiano канала Kiss From The World
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