Celestial/Hypogean TIER LIST! ALL 10 Heroes RANKED! Paragon Priority! AFK Journey

With 10 celestial/hypogean heroes currently available, it has become even more important to make your decision wisely on which cele/hypo to go for! Let's discuss the strength of each hero in the current game state, and which have the best chance to remain meta for some time to come!

00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Elijah & Lailah
01:50 - Harak
03:18 - Phraesto
05:48 - Reinier
07:37 - Berial
08:13 - Cryonaia
10:05 - Dionel
11:09 - Dunlingr
12:54 - Scarlita
14:09 - Talene
15:59 - Explaining The Final Tier List
18:07 - Athalia?
18:54 - Outro

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Видео Celestial/Hypogean TIER LIST! ALL 10 Heroes RANKED! Paragon Priority! AFK Journey канала Puzzle - AFK Journey!
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