Use of Swinnex filtration for membrane mating (1 of 4)
Welcome to our suite of NUI Galway Microbiology teaching videos. We hope that they will guide you in performing your experiments in a scientific and safe manner.
This video series outlines how to perform a conjugation between donor and recipient bacterial strains. We recommend that you watch the videos in order to get a better understanding of the method.
This video (1 of 4) demonstrates how to identify the phenotypic profiles of the donor and recipient strains using a commercial Mastring S antibiotic disc.
Видео Use of Swinnex filtration for membrane mating (1 of 4) канала Microbiology teaching videos: University of Galway
This video series outlines how to perform a conjugation between donor and recipient bacterial strains. We recommend that you watch the videos in order to get a better understanding of the method.
This video (1 of 4) demonstrates how to identify the phenotypic profiles of the donor and recipient strains using a commercial Mastring S antibiotic disc.
Видео Use of Swinnex filtration for membrane mating (1 of 4) канала Microbiology teaching videos: University of Galway
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28 мая 2019 г. 15:25:24
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