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Wild honey hunters- It is a way of life, it cannot be described as a
company or repacking unit. For over two generations of experience, we have perfected the art
of collecting honey from the unreachable places in the wild and bringing it to your door steps,
unprocessed with all the naturally occurring phytonutrients intact.
Wild honey hunters support the livelihoods of more than 300 tribal families in the Western
Ghats, who worship bees as their god and takes part in the conservation of bees and educate
people on the importance of bees in our ecosystem.
We differentiate the honey based on flowering season and the type of honey bee that built the
hives. Taste colour and texture of our wild honey differs all through the year based on the
major flower present and the climatic condition around the hives.
Along with the inherited experience from our forefathers and travel experience into the
forests of south India for more than a decade, we have gained a significant experience with
the wild honey bees and their natural behaviour and their importance in the survival of
ecosystem and came to know the true value of wild honey and its benefits to mankind.
Wild Honey Hunters is founded by three likeminded people driven by passion to live life by
doing something they love. Analysing the market, they were hardly able to find a pure wild
honey, Along with the past experience with nature and bees, they themselves decided to
venture a unit that acts as a bridge between forest tribes supporting for their livelihood and
the people in need of this elixir, providing only pure wild honey and its products to this
Wild Honey Hunters- Yes, as the name stands, we deliver honey collected from wild free
range hives built naturally by the native honey bees and not the honey from commercially

farm grown box hives using imported hybrid varieties-which are used for heavy production
along with high antibiotics contaminations.
We collect honey along the permitted regions of the forest through native tribes of that
particular area. We squeeze and filter the honey from its comb and sundry them to reduce the
moisture to stop fermentation. We don’t heat or pasteurize them. Hence the honey we give
comes in its natural form with all the beneficial microbes and nutrition intact.
Knowledge through inheritance
As you can see, from our documented videos of honey collection by our tribal people, Honey
harvesting by traditional methods is a knowledge passed on from one generation to another
by practically learning the skills on field and it combines both personal skills and use of the
available resources prepared from the surroundings such as bamboo ladder and smoke
torches. They pay their respect to bees before every harvest and worship them as their deity
and hence they do not harm or kill the bees during honey collection. In traditional way of
collecting honey, they only use smoke to drive the bees away without harming them and
hence the bees return to the same place to rebuild the hives.
Apart from building individual hives, Rock bees flock together as colonies and migrate over
to a flowering area and build their hives in each region over a same place like a large tree or a
bigger rock consecutively every year. A single colony of bees will consist from 50 to 300
individual hives at a same place. Good rain over a region will guarantee the return of the
colony over the same place to build the hives.
Finding a bee hive during a dry season is another unique set of skill developed over time only
through experience, they watch the bees collecting nectar, observe the direction of their flight
and take key notes on the bee droppings in that particular area to locate the hives to a exact
location. Sunrise and sunset are the preferable timing to observe the flight of the bees.
Uniqueness of the wild honey
The colour taste and texture of the wild honey constantly changes throughout the year,
according to the taste of nectar of the major floral variety present in that particular season.
We do collect both Multi-Floral and Mono-Floral honey according to the seasonal availability
to provide the customized needs of our customers. For instance, honey collected during the
neem flowering season will be darker and sweeter, whereas the honey collected during the
jamun flowering season will be a slight light textured and bitter and kurinji will be yellowish
green with its unique sweetness.

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26 февраля 2020 г. 9:16:11