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Breakdown of Feliks' Fantastic 5.91 Average!

Really impressive average by Feliks! With RVB as the judge!

5.91 Official Average - Feliks Zemdegs - Rijswijk Open 2018 3x3 Finals
Video used for Reconstruction: http://bit.ly/2GBxFi8

Solve 1 - 6.07
Scramble: L B2 D2 F2 D2 R' F2 D2 R B R B' L2 F U2 B' R D F'
z2 x’ // Inspection
R2 U’ D L’ D R’ y’ // Cross
R U’ R’ // 1st Pair
U2’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R // 2nd Pair
y’ R U2’ R’ U2 L’ U’ L // 3rd Pair
U’ R U R’ U2 R U’ R’ // 4th Pair
F R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ F’ // OLL
R U’ R’ U’ R U R D R’ U’ R D’ R’ U2 R’ U’ // PLL
57 moves = 9.39 TPS

Solve 2 - 5.64
Scramble: L2 B2 F D2 B F' D2 R' U B R U' L2 B' F2 D2 F2 L
x2 // Inspection
L’ U2 Lw U’ R Uw // X-Cross
U’ R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ // 2nd Pair
y’ U F R U’ R’ U’ F’ // 3rd Pair
U2 R U’ R’ y’ U’ R’ U R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ U’ R U R’ U R // 4th Pair (WV)
R’ U R’ U’ R’ U’ R’ U R U R2 U // PLL
53 moves = 9.40 TPS

Solve 3 - 5.24
Scramble: D2 U2 R2 U2 B2 F' R2 F' D2 F U L F' R2 B R' B2 D' B' F
y’ z // Inspection
R2 D’ Rw U L D’ // X-Cross
R U R’ U R’ U’ R // 2nd Pair
U’ F R’ F’ R // 3rd Pair
U’ y Lw U’ R’ U Lw’ U R // 4th Pair
U’ R U R’ U R U2’ R’ // OLL
U2 R U R’ F’ R U2’ R’ U2’ R’ F R U R U2’ R’ U // PLL
61 moves = 11.64 TPS

Solve 4 - 6.02
Scramble: L’ R D2 F2 L D2 R' D2 B' R B2 F U' B D' B U2 R B
z y2 // Inspection
D’ Rw U2 R2’ U’ F2 D // X-Cross
U R’ U’ R U’ R’ U’ R // 2nd Pair
y’ U F R U2’ R’ F’ // 3rd Pair
y’ U R’ U’ R U R’ U2’ R2 // 4th Pair
U R’ U R U2’ R’ // OLL
U R’ U’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R2 U’ R’ U’ R U R’ U R U // PLL
55 moves = 9.14 TPS

Solve 5 - 8.41
Scramble: U L B' L2 F L' F' U R2 U L F2 R2 L2 B R2 F' D2 F' L2
x y2 // Inspection
U D R D F R // Cross
U’ y’ R’ U’ R // 1st Pair
U U L’ U’ L U’ L’ U L // 2nd Pair
y’ U’ L’ U L U’ F U’ F’ // An Edge
y U’ R U2’ R’ U’ R U’ R2 F R F’ U2’ R’ F R y’ R’ // 3rd Pair
U y’ U R U’ R’ U2 R U’ R’ // 4th Pair
U R U2’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U R’ U R U2’ R’ // ZBLL
z2 y // Cube Drop
D2 // Adjust
69 moves = 8.20 TPS

Thanks for watching my breakdown of Feliks' fantastic 5.91 average!

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Видео Breakdown of Feliks' Fantastic 5.91 Average! канала LaZer0MonKey
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22 декабря 2018 г. 21:24:46