Olga Romanova. Read Art.
"Read Art" - the painting, which can be read.
"What does not kill me, makes me stronger."
2011 was a year of change for me, the year of bad discoveries and disillusionments. I took a different view of this world and the people living in it. My emotions found an outlet in new art movement which I created in 2011. I named it the "Read Art".
In principle, the "Read Art" was born thanks to this experience. One day, I came home in a very bad mood (after another dose of injustice). I took the Bible and read: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay."
I wanted to impress these words in my memory forever, as a reminder that the evil is ruling over the world.
I drew this idea, as seen and understood. In a little while I realized that this was a new step in my work.
"Read Art" is painting that can be read. We can say, this is my conversation with the audience by means of colours.
Why did I choose the English language? Firstly, because I am studying it, and it is a very interesting process. Secondly, precisely because the language is not native, I see it more as a pattern, a kind of technique in painting, rather than as words.
"Read Art" is the ability to draw with the word and write with the thought.
Видео Olga Romanova. Read Art. канала Olga
"What does not kill me, makes me stronger."
2011 was a year of change for me, the year of bad discoveries and disillusionments. I took a different view of this world and the people living in it. My emotions found an outlet in new art movement which I created in 2011. I named it the "Read Art".
In principle, the "Read Art" was born thanks to this experience. One day, I came home in a very bad mood (after another dose of injustice). I took the Bible and read: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay."
I wanted to impress these words in my memory forever, as a reminder that the evil is ruling over the world.
I drew this idea, as seen and understood. In a little while I realized that this was a new step in my work.
"Read Art" is painting that can be read. We can say, this is my conversation with the audience by means of colours.
Why did I choose the English language? Firstly, because I am studying it, and it is a very interesting process. Secondly, precisely because the language is not native, I see it more as a pattern, a kind of technique in painting, rather than as words.
"Read Art" is the ability to draw with the word and write with the thought.
Видео Olga Romanova. Read Art. канала Olga
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