Monika meets Senpai (Senpai but it's a Monika and Senpai Cover)
Monika meets Senpai (Senpai but it's a Monika and Senpai Cover)
This is a playable mod but will stay unreleased until Update 5 of the But Every Turn uses a Different Cover mod. Or maybe not. Usually stuff like this count as bonus songs but I already have one each for each song (Though it is already coded into the .exe so I might as well).
Manifest is done. I just need to program in the character switching and maybe a few gimmicks but the song itself is complete. It was supposed to be uploaded today but I couldn't finish it in time so I went ahead and made this video (A lot of new characters I have to code in). I keep coming up with these in like the last 2 hours so they're not really that great. Hope you enjoy them anyway!
Mods Used:
Week 6 NO GF: Couldn't find it.
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Видео Monika meets Senpai (Senpai but it's a Monika and Senpai Cover) канала Blantados
This is a playable mod but will stay unreleased until Update 5 of the But Every Turn uses a Different Cover mod. Or maybe not. Usually stuff like this count as bonus songs but I already have one each for each song (Though it is already coded into the .exe so I might as well).
Manifest is done. I just need to program in the character switching and maybe a few gimmicks but the song itself is complete. It was supposed to be uploaded today but I couldn't finish it in time so I went ahead and made this video (A lot of new characters I have to code in). I keep coming up with these in like the last 2 hours so they're not really that great. Hope you enjoy them anyway!
Mods Used:
Week 6 NO GF: Couldn't find it.
Go follow me on my:
Public Discord:
Видео Monika meets Senpai (Senpai but it's a Monika and Senpai Cover) канала Blantados
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24 мая 2021 г. 20:34:35
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