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Trying Coffee from Home Goods | El Sol Coffee Co. Grand Moreno

In this video, I brewed up an espresso and a coffee using an AeroPress to test out a coffee from Home Good's/TJ Max called El Sol Coffee Co. Grand Moreno

Process: N/A
Tasting Notes: N/A
Region: South America
Grown by/Farm: N/A
Elevation: N/A
Coffee Variety: N/A

There is no direct link to this exact bag as this is sold exclusively in retailers such as Home Good's and TJ Max, but here is a link to the coffee company's parent website. https://www.humblbrands.com/el-sol-coffee-co

Music: White Rabbit
Musician: Silicon Estate

Видео Trying Coffee from Home Goods | El Sol Coffee Co. Grand Moreno канала Nicky P’s Coffee
coffee, espresso, breville, breville bambino, breville bambino plus, baratza, baratza sette 30, coffee grinder, arabica, espresso grinder, drinking coffee, drinking espresso, coffee journey, espresso journey, coffee drink, vlog, coffee vlog, espresso vlog, personal vlog, at home video, homemade espresso, espresso at home, coffee at home, bambino plus, double shot espresso, morning vlog, BKG Coffee Roasters, TJ Maxx, Home Goods, Store bought coffee, cheap coffee
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