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VISIT SUZDAL. Vlog with subs from the heart of the Golden Ring of Russia. Listen and learn Russian

Suzdal is the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia. Every year it is visited by tens of thousands of tourists. In this video, I will talk a little about the history of Suzdal and show the main sights of the city, such as the museum complex of the Spaso-Evfimeevsky Monastery and the Suzdal Kremlin. We will walk around the center of Suzdal, take a ride on boat and try unusual ice cream. This video is in Russian with Russian and English subtitles. 🔥 PDF transcriptions of my videos and podcasts with accented text and English translations https://www.patreon.com/russianwithdasha

Russian with Dasha podcast https://podcast.ru/1513594919
The Russian Twist podcast https://podcast.ru/1531761229

0:00 Колокольный звон | Bell ringing
01:39 Спасо-Евфимиев монастырь | Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery
03:03 Спасо-Преображенский собор | Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
03:53 Аптекарский огород | Apothecary garden
04:30 Стены крепости | Fortress walls
05:21 Пасека | Apiary
05:48 Иконы и книги | Icons and books
08:56 Политическая тюрьма | Political prison
09:21 Тонино Гуэрра | Tonino Guerra
12:50 Прогулка по Суздалю | Walk around Suzdal
15:53 Вопрос | My question to you
17:17 Квас и мороженое | Kvass and ice cream
18:07 Идём к реке | Let's go to the river
19:29 Суздальский Кремль | Suzdal Kremlin
20:25 История Суздаля и красивые виды | History of Suzdal and beautiful views
23:52 Telegram и Patreon

Telegram https://t.me/russianwithdasha

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#suzdal #explorerussia #learnrussian

Видео VISIT SUZDAL. Vlog with subs from the heart of the Golden Ring of Russia. Listen and learn Russian канала Russian with Dasha
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