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Micro Sword Narrow Leaf Plant Care

Aquarium Micro Sword Narrow Leaf Plant Care. This plant works as a non co2 carpeting plant. The micro sword narrow leaf version will grow a little taller than the standard version. This plant enjoys medium light so get yourself a descent plant led light.

More Talk on Fish Tanks.

Strips can be inaccurate and if any moisture get to them there useless, liquid test kits are more reliable but are suseptable to human error from time to time, api fresh water master test kit is good and commonly used by fish keepers, nt labs is slightly more reliable than api but still does the same thing, you can also get individual liquid test kits to test for things like gh, kh, and if you really want to get into it you can by test kits for your tap water to test for chlorimines heavy metals etc, test strips are good for beginners on smaller tanks with light stocking in my opinion and test kits are better for larger aquariums (good for all sizes but just for comparison sake).

Does anyone here have experience with kissing gouramis? I used to have 2 but pearl here murdered her "sister" (idk what sex they are im just assuming they're woman but honestly they fought like men either way, name isn't changing).

Im wondering what good tank mates would be for them? I have a spotted raphael catfish with her currently. I've read pictus catfish can live with both if them but im not sure what i want to get to go with them yet. I plan on upgrading them into at least a 75 gallon within the next couple of months.

Help! My aquarium fish that I’ve had for 2 weeks has never really been okay. The first 10 days or so, it just glass surfed endlessly. The last 3 days, he’s been very lethargic, and laying on the bottom of the tank. I occasionally check if he’s dead, at which point he slowly swims up to the surface and then falls back down.

My water parameters are 7.5 ph, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 nitrates. The tank is moderately planted with moss, hornwort, bacopa, Java fern, and anubias. I also have a nerite snail, cherry shrimp, and 17 cardinal tetras that have all been fine except for 1 smaller tetra who has been very territorial and aggressive lately. They are all in a cycled 10 gallon with very good filtration and just enough flow to slightly keep the plants moving.

Hey Everyone, Newbie here. I am cleaning out a 3yr old used 75-85 gallon tank that I'll be converting into a Live Planted tank. The tank was well maintained and still held water at time of purchase. While cleaning, I noticed a small section of the silicon on the bottom has a yellow discoloration. Should I be concerned? Please tell me I don't need to reseal this tank.

I just got recently a 10 gallon fish tank(from Meijer) to put my Balloon Mollies in from a different tank. But the front left and back right is wobbly. Should I exchange it or is it normal?

Hey guys. So I’m in the process of fishless cycling a 20 gallon tank. I plan to get some glofish tetras, but I’m wondering if it’s okay to have a glofish shark in there with them? Google is giving mixed answers about what size tank they need, ranging from 20-50 gallons. I don’t wanna add one if my tank isn’t big enough to accommodate it.

So I’ve read they shouldn’t be with more of their own kind due to their territorial nature, but that they’re okay to be with tetras. And the glofish website sells them together as a collection, so that makes me think that one would be okay with my tetras. I honestly planned on upgrading from a 20 gallon sometime in the future, just not sure when.

I don’t think it’ll be an issue. GloFish sells the 20g community collection and that includes one shark so I don’t see it being an issue. Tetras only get like 2-3 inches and the shark will stay at the bottom always. Hell I haven’t even seen mine but twice since it arrived on Thursday. Lol. I really hope it’s just shy.

My son's swordtail is just lying at the bottom of the tank, he said he's not eaten today either. Any ideas people please? I'm unsure what to do to help. He sent me this video (I'm not at home) the other swordtail in the tank is fine, there are no spots or bloating on the fish either if that helps.

Aquarium Micro Sword plant care is super easy.

I need fish ideas. I'm working on building an aquarium for my autistic 5 year old girl. I was inspired by bubble tubes to get this particular aquarium. I'll be putting in a bubble stone at the bottom for her enjoyment. My first thought was to get her a colorful fish but they don't like the movement with all the bubbles right? What would be okay with it? I have plenty of time to figure it out while it cycles but wanted to ask here.

Видео Micro Sword Narrow Leaf Plant Care канала Palmer Aquatics
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