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Understanding LOLER #3 - Thorough Examination

The language used within laws, such as The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998, can be a little confusing for some.

This series of five videos is to break down some of the key requirements of LOLER 1998, and provide some explanation, to make them easier to understand for those working within lifting operations.
The videos will be helpful to Lifting Operations Managers, Appointed Persons, Crane Supervisors, Slinger-Signallers (Riggers) and Crane Operators.

This is video #3 of 5 - Thorough Examination

Head over to our website to book a one-to-one tuition session with me, Kevin Bennison, to get yourself prepared and better equipped to be the best Lifting Operations Planner that you can be.
You can also order our new 2nd Edition Lifting Operations Pocket Assistant to keep important and helpful information to hand at all times.


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Thanks for watching and keep InspHighering.

Видео Understanding LOLER #3 - Thorough Examination канала InspHigher
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3 декабря 2020 г. 3:41:02