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Ehad e Mughlia Ep28| Battle of Ab Darrah Pass When Zaheer ud din Babur Defeated Muhammad Shaybani

Battle of Ab Darrah Pass was the battle that took place in 1511 in the place called Ab Darrah (present-day Panjshir, Afghanistan) between Uzbeks and Babur of Timurids. The battle ended with the decisive Timurid victory which enabled Babur to regain Transoxiana and briefly reunite the whole of the ancestral part of the Timurid Empire. Such a decisive and significant battle is not mentioned in Babur’s Memoirs (Baburnama), in which there is a break from the year 1508 to the beginning of 1519.Muhammad Shaybani, the Khan of the Uzbeks, had set up the Khanate of Bukhara and was so powerful and successful in his military exploits that he wrested Samarkand, Herat, and Bukhara from the Timurid dynasty. He captured Khurasan as well but by 1510 he found in Shah Ismail I, the founder of a new Safavid Persian Empire, a serious threat. He decided to confront this threat head on and marched towards Merv where his army was ambushed by the Persians. Some 17,000 Qizilbash ambushed and defeated a superior Uzbek force numbering 28,000. The Uzbek ruler, Muhammad Shaybani, was caught and killed.When news of the defeat of their Khan reached the Uzbeks in Bukhara and Samarkand the result was shock and panic. Those Mughals who had supported Muhammad Shaybani and presently stationed in Khurasan left for Kunduz. News of these new developments arrived in Babur’s Kabul. He immediately decided to recover the kingdom of his forefathers.

Towards midnight news was brought that the Uzbeks were advancing in full force. The troops were instantly ordered to their posts and remained under arms till day break ready for action. About sunrise the advanced pickets reported that the enemy was in motion and preparing to attack. Babur rode to an eminence to reconnoiter. He saw that there was only one pass and that a narrow road by which the Uzbeks could attack the hillock on which he was posted. Close by this was another hillock divided from the first by a broad and deep ravine and to this hillock also there was only one road. After the Uzbeks had drawn out their ranks on the level ground below, they perceived that it was no easy task to mount the hill. Timur Sultan and several other Sultans with about 10,000 men separated from the main body and began to ascend the farther hill. Babur instantly dispatched Khan Mirza (named Sultan Weis Mirza, youngest son of Sultan Mahmud Mirza and brother of Bayasonqor Mirza and Masud Mirza) with a body of the best troops to oppose them. At the same moment his eye happened to light on a band of men who were standing by and he inquired who they were. He was informed that they were Mirza Haider's followers, being a party chiefly of Mughals who had been attached to Sultan Hussein Mirza Bayqara and who on escaping from Khurasan had now joined Babur. They arrived at a fortunate moment, Khan Mirza's men, after coming to their ground had been charged by the Uzbeks who bore down all before them and had nearly reached Khan Mirza himself. Haider's men under Jan Muhammad Atgah, as soon as they arrived, attacked them in front and the fugitives rallying returned to the fight and succeeded in driving back the Uzbeks. Haider's men took an Uzbek chief who was immediately carried before Babur. He received the offering with joy as a favorable omen and on the spot ordered the first prize of valor to be inscribed in Mirza Haider's name. Still, however, the contest continued to be maintained on both sides with desperate valor till the light began to fail. The violence of the battle had not reached Babur's position, the direct road to which was difficult, while it was not easy to go up or down from one place to another.Late in the afternoon the men of note who were about Babur dismounted; At nightfall the Uzbeks found it impossible to remain in their advanced position for want of water which was three or four miles off, they therefore were obliged to retreat during the night in order to encamp near water. As soon as they began to make a retrograde movement, the foot soldiers and such as had dismounted raised a shout and rushed after them. The portion of their army that was opposed to Khan Mirza having observed Hamza Sultan and the main body in retreat were also eager to retire. As long as the two divisions remained facing each other neither could gain any advantage over the other but no sooner did the Uzbeks commence their retreat than Khan Mirza's men made a general charge and the Uzbeks at once took to flight. When the main body saw that division discomfited they too lost their firmness, fell into confusion, and were soon scattered in complete rout. It was now Isha prayers when Hamza Sultan and Mahdi Sultan were taken and brought before Babur and were executed. From night till morning were the fugitives pursued and from morning till night to the entrance of the Derbend Ahinein. The immediate consequence of this victory was the fall of Hissar, Tajikistan

Voiceover by: Tahir Ubaid Chaudhry

Видео Ehad e Mughlia Ep28| Battle of Ab Darrah Pass When Zaheer ud din Babur Defeated Muhammad Shaybani канала Tareekh
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4 июня 2023 г. 11:00:27
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