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Rome Tram Scenes featuring Routes 5 & 14 -- 2014

This presentation features scenes of Rome Tram Route 5 (Roma Termini - Piazza del Casaletto) and Route 14 (Roma Termini - Viale Palmiro Togliatti). Older trams operate on these routes. There are several scenes around the Termini Station area and in the vicinity of Porta Maggiore, the latter being a place where 4 routes meet (3, 5, 14, and 19). Each location is a mecca of tram activity. Most scenes are run-pasts, but there are on-board and driver's view sections also. In addition, there are pictures of, and a ride on the Tram Ristorante (Restaurant Tram), car 7021. These scenes were filmed in 2014.

Видео Rome Tram Scenes featuring Routes 5 & 14 -- 2014 канала tassiebaz
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15 мая 2017 г. 15:29:12
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