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LIVE | Bean Boozled/Disney Tag | 1/6/18 | MagicalNewsLIVE

Walt Disney World Tag Questions:

1. First time at Disney World
2. Favorite Park
3. Favorite land in the Magic Kingdom
4. What is the first Disney movie you saw in theaters?
5. What type of Disney item do you collect the most?
6. Which Disney voice character would you like to meet?
7. Most underrated Disney Movie
8. Favorite Disney Hotel
9. Favorite Ride
10. Least Favorite Ride
11. Favorite Show at the parks
12. Favorite attraction that is no longer at the parks
13. Monorail or Ferry?
14. Saddest moment in a Disney film
15. Favorite Disney Villain
16. Favorite Disney princess and prince
17. If you could live in any world from a Disney film, which would you choose?
18. If you could say anything to Walt Disney now, what would it be?
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Видео LIVE | Bean Boozled/Disney Tag | 1/6/18 | MagicalNewsLIVE канала MagicalNewsLIVE
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7 января 2018 г. 2:59:10
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