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10 Cryptids of Central & South America

From sourcerer goats, to actual goat killers, theres are 10 cryptids of Central & South America !
The Onza (on-za) -- It’s claimed to be a feline species, and has been recorded since 1519 when Spanish conquistadores invaded Aztec Mexico. Some of the creatures were reportedly found in the zoo of Montezuma. These animals resembled cougars, but had lighter frames with longer striped legs, ears, and tails. In the 1990s, a research team from Texas Tech University examined the frozen corpse of a reputed onza. DNA testing later revealed the specimen to be a puma, no different from any other. Most cryptozoologists still speculate that the Onza could be a new subspecies of cougar or even an entirely new species of cat.

Ya Te Veo Tree -- It’s a form of carnivorous tree that has a taste for large insects … but also tries to catch human cuisine as well. The tree is said to grow on secluded mesas of Central and South America. Most descriptions of the plant report that it has huge tendril-like spines radiating from a short, thick trunk. These spines possess dagger-like teeth, or barbs … with their outer ends lying on the ground. The trunk appears like an empty couch and serves to attract the attention of potential prey. When a victim steps within the circle of spines, they suddenly arise and encircle them like huge anacondas. Using its daggers, the spines crush the victim until all the blood is squeezed from the carcass. Some descriptions claim the tree even has an eye it uses to locate prey. That might be where its name “Ya Te Veo” originates … that’s Spanish for “I see you”!

Andean Wolf -- This creature was first disputedly discovered when a German animal dealer named Lorenz Hagenbeck bought a pelt from a trader in Bueno Aires who claimed it was from a wild dog in the Andes. In 1940, when the pelt was analyzed in Germany, researchers concluded it belonged to a mountain species of the maned wolf. Hagenbeck later connected the pelt to a skull he had discovered about a decade earlier. The skull was larger than that of a maned wolf, leading Hagenbeck to believe he had found a new species. He published a paper in 1947 describing the new animal, and it became known as Hagenbeck’s Wolf. But doubts about the claim arose when the skull was unavailable for peer review … it had been lost during World War II. Further doubt surfaced in 1960 when analysis revealed the pelt belonged to a domestic dog. A DNA analysis in 2000 failed due to the pelt’s contamination and chemical treatment. The Andean Wolf has never been substantiated … Do you think it ever existed?

Sucuriju Gigante (soo-koo-ree-hoo) -- This elusive constrictor snake is said to grow to a length of 40 meters and weigh up to 5 tons. With its massive size, it’s said to control whatever rivers it lives in. Ancient stories claim the beast made the Amazon River its home. Sightings of the giant creature have been reported since 1846 and persisted into the late 1970s. But in that time there’s been no definitive proof of this creature discovered. Some scientists have speculated that it could be a descendent of Gigantophis gih-gan-tof-is), a huge snake from the Eocene period some 30 million years ago. It could grow to lengths of 33 feet. And the more recent discovery of fossils from Titanoboa spur speculation that Sucuriju (soo-koo-ree-hoo) Gigante could exist. Titanoboa reached a length of 48 feet and lived from 60 to 58 million years ago.

El Chupacabra -- Well, there was never a mystery as to our choice on this list for numero uno. The Chupacabra has been featured many times on Epic Wildlife, and the creature always inspires a lot of speculation and debate. It’s name literally translates from Spanish as “goat-sucker”. That’s a reference to the creature’s habit of attacking and eating livestock. It was first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995, when eight sheep were found completely drained of blood. Since then, it’s been sighted from the southwestern US to Mexico and Paraguay. We even found a story claiming that a chupacabra had been found in the Ukraine! Descriptions of the beast tend to vary. Some say it has leathery greenish-gray skin with a pronounced spinal ridge, stands around 4 feet high and hops like a kangaroo. It’s also been described as a type of wild dog-like creature, mostly hairless, with pronounced eye sockets, claws and fangs. Interesting to note that reports of the beast in Latin America often involve attacks on animals involving exsanguination … While reports in the US usually revolve around canines and raccoons with mange, and are referred to as chupacabras due to their strange appearance. Have you ever encountered a chupacabra? Let us know in the comments!
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