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Speak Your Naked Truth

Naked truth.

"You are shining, you just can't see it because you are in the centre of it. You don't value it because it comes easily to you.... but it is a part of your gift and has huge value"

I've been holding my tension on a course with Victoria Dioh​ this week and been having some sacral and solar plexus challenges about stepping up another level this last couple of weeks (been procrastinating on the intro to sound healing self study online course I'm creating and having real problems saying out loud that my work saves lives... there I said it!)

I wanted to share the quote above with you as it's a great reminder for all. It is a message that came to me after a meditation on the 7 Day Sound Healing retreat

As a vocal confidence specialist I have to practice what I preach - so...

The Naked Truth... It's not always easy, saying what you need to say because there are thoughts and beliefs that might make it seem challenging, but it is important.

For me right now, here's what I've not been saying:.

"My work saves lives"

"You saved my life by helping me see the way to a new one. Your work is amazing!!"
(Alisa LaPolt, Mental Health Advocate & Lobbyist, USA)

My fear thoughts that have stopped me saying this?

That people will think I'm exaggerating, that I'm pretentious, or showing off, that 'saving lives' is a massive promise that might not be true for everyone and therefore people will think I lied - (I have a MASSIVE thing about people who break promises and betray trust) ... so I've been falsely modest about the power of my work.

But it CAN save you from:

💜A life filled with nothing but compromise and doing what you feel you 'should'

💜A life filled with going along with others to make it easier even if you don't want to

💜A life filled with feeling left out or ignored because you never said what YOU wanted, or asked for what YOU need, because you didn't want to 'put others out' or 'be disappointed'

💜A life of wishing you'd done things differently or said what the problem was

💜A life of missed opportunities and feeling stuck or held back because you haven't taken the opportunity to deliver that presentation, share that idea, or make that speech.

💜A life of believing that 'this is how it has to be' or 'I've always been like this' or fearing 'What if I fail' or 'What if they say 'No.''

💜A life in the shadows when you know what you have to say is better or more important than the person standing up there talking about your thing because they care less about what others will think of them.

💜A life of uncertainty and indecision which is 'fine' but frustrating and full of unfulfilled dreams or potential.

💜A life of keeping yourself small and not being able to say things like "I'm bloody good at what I do."

I could go on .... but I think I've made my point.

I'm bloody good at what I do.

WHAT is it that I do?
"Judith's brutally honest style, matched and balanced with deep compassion, made entering the entirely foreign 'woo world' of sound and energy healing an easy transition for me.  I'd previously thought it was the domain of 'weird hippy women'. Having the sound healing skills in my 'survival belt' gives me something practical that I use to engage with life. I feel more like the master of my own self, and use sounding to free my voice and take back control, where previously I had given power to others."  (Daniel Wood, Operations Manager, TRE UK)

The work is twofold and you can explore either or both:

1) Life-Pattern Awareness, Emotional Release & Healing.
Through combining voice-vibration sound healing, chakra energy work, intuitive practices, and coaching - I help you discover the subconscious blocks that are what's really holding you back in life and will be reflected in how you use your voice.

2) Vocal Confidence, Public Speaking, & Challenging Conversations
Through combining my professional acting skills, coaching and voice-vibration energy work - I help you speak with more clarity, confidence and conviction: no matter the situation.

What is it that you're bloody good at? What stops you from saying that, or changing your life to focus on it?

Where in your life are you feeling stuck, or holding back, or feeling held back?

Where are you feeling unable to express yourself fully?

And if you're done with feeling stuck, or held back whether that's in life in general, or with speaking situations in specific - then book a connection call with me and find out if we're right to work together. Because I want to change and save more lives.

Book that call here:

Liberate Your Voice to Liberate Your Life.

"I wish wish wish wish wish!!!! that I went through this process years ago. I've never felt so free and happy as I do right now. I'm literally a new woman!! I struggled to be here on this planet, and now I am excited about living life to the fullest." (Aideen Schweppe, Yoga Teacher & Physical Therapist, Ireland)

Видео Speak Your Naked Truth канала Judith Quin - Your Whole Voice: Public Speaking, Vocal Confidence & Sound Healing
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