RRB NTPC Classes 2024-25 | RRB NTPC Static GK Classes | Static GK Top 100 MCQs | By Sahil Sir
To access the video and other study materials on Adda247 app, click - https://dl.adda247.com/Adjw .
RRB NTPC Classes 2024-25 | RRB NTPC GK GS Classes | Static Gk Top 50 MCQs | GK GS By Sahil Sir In this session, Sahil Sir will cover the Top 50 MCQs from Static GK for RRB NTPC 2024-25. Static GK plays a crucial role in the General Awareness section, and a strong command over it can significantly boost your score. This class will focus on important exam-oriented questions that are frequently asked in RRB NTPC and other railway exams.
If you are preparing for RRB NTPC 2024-25, this session is a must-watch. Sahil Sir will explain each question in detail, providing easy tricks, shortcuts, and explanations to help you remember key facts effortlessly.
To access the video and other study materials on Adda247 app, click - https://dl.adda247.com/r7bD .
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#RailwayNTPC2024-25 #RRBNTPCQuestionGKGS #RRBNTPC2024#RRBNTPC #RailwayADDA247 #NTPCExamPreparation
Видео RRB NTPC Classes 2024-25 | RRB NTPC Static GK Classes | Static GK Top 100 MCQs | By Sahil Sir канала Railway Adda247
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RRB NTPC Classes 2024-25 | RRB NTPC GK GS Classes | Static Gk Top 50 MCQs | GK GS By Sahil Sir In this session, Sahil Sir will cover the Top 50 MCQs from Static GK for RRB NTPC 2024-25. Static GK plays a crucial role in the General Awareness section, and a strong command over it can significantly boost your score. This class will focus on important exam-oriented questions that are frequently asked in RRB NTPC and other railway exams.
If you are preparing for RRB NTPC 2024-25, this session is a must-watch. Sahil Sir will explain each question in detail, providing easy tricks, shortcuts, and explanations to help you remember key facts effortlessly.
To access the video and other study materials on Adda247 app, click - https://dl.adda247.com/r7bD .
Special Event :- https://youtube.com/live/chLmUOlCh98
✅Refer and Earn - https://applink.adda247.com/d/rP1cv7qMIu
✅For Admission Enquiry Call at - 9266843247
🔴Download Adda247 App :- https://applink.adda247.com/d/SahilMadaan
📌Check Out our Courses:
✅ RRB NTPC Batch :-https://applink.adda247.com/d/RRBNTPC27FEB
✅ Railway MahaPack:- https://applink.adda247.com/d/NQcz3q2Ucm
📌Check Out our Test Series:
✅Test Prime:- https://applink.adda247.com/d/SSCTESTPRIME
📌 Download our Adda247 App:- https://applink.adda247.com/d/SahilMadaan
✅ Join Our Telegram Channel:- https://t.me/adda247railway
#RailwayNTPC2024-25 #RRBNTPCQuestionGKGS #RRBNTPC2024#RRBNTPC #RailwayADDA247 #NTPCExamPreparation
Видео RRB NTPC Classes 2024-25 | RRB NTPC Static GK Classes | Static GK Top 100 MCQs | By Sahil Sir канала Railway Adda247
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