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Beauty of Earthlings - Result of the 4 Billion years of Evolution

It took 500 million (half a billion) years for man to form from fish through the natural process, evolution. This is such a long period of time that approximately 25 billion species have evolved and become extinct during this time. Another 500 million years after the formation of man, the climate on Earth will be such that the current human, flora and fauna will not face the problem of living under natural conditions in terms of climate. If humans were formed naturally from fishes during such a long period, who knows what humanity will be formed in the next half a billion years, especially in the conditions when we can already artificially direct and accelerate our evolution in the direction we want.

The Cambrian explosion, Cambrian radiation, Cambrian diversification, or the Biological Big Bang refers to an interval of time approximately 542 or 539 million years ago in the Cambrian Period when practically all major animal phyla started appearing in the fossil record. It lasted for about 13–25 million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla. The event was accompanied by major diversification in other groups of organisms as well.
Before early Cambrian diversification, most organisms were relatively simple, composed of individual cells, or small multicellular organisms, occasionally organized into colonies. As the rate of diversification subsequently accelerated, the variety of life became much more complex, and began to resemble that of today. Almost all present-day animal phyla appeared during this period, including the earliest chordates.
A 2019 paper suggests that the timing should be expanded back to include the late Ediacaran, rather than just the narrower timeframe of the "Cambrian Explosion" event visible in the fossil record, based on analysis of chemicals that would have laid the building blocks for a progression of transitional radiations starting with the Ediacaran period and continuing at a similar rate into the Cambrian. Until recent discoveries suggested otherwise, animals existing before the Cambrian period were believed to be: small and ocean-dwelling. For example, Dickinsonia, that is an extinct genus of basal animal that lived during the late Ediacaran period (567-550 million years ago) in what is now Australia, China, Russia and Ukraine. The individual Dickinsonia typically resembles a bilaterally symmetrical ribbed oval. Its affinities are presently unknown; its mode of growth is consistent with a stem-group bilaterian affinity, The discovery of cholesterol molecules in fossils of Dickinsonia lends support to the idea that Dickinsonia was an animal. So there were some animals before the Cambrian explosion. DNA evidence suggests, that the first animals evolved around 800 million years ago. Sponges were among the earliest animals (Knoll and Carroll 1999; Douzery et al. 2004; Hedges et al. 2004).

Видео Beauty of Earthlings - Result of the 4 Billion years of Evolution канала Tornike Pkhaladze
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