Demonstrate the use of marking gauge and mortise gauge | NIMI | DIGITAL | ENGLISH |
NIMI - Government of India Presents: Demonstrate the Use of Marking Gauge and Mortise Gauge - A Step-by-Step Guide in ENGLISH.
Welcome to another insightful session brought to you by NIMI, where hands-on learning and skill development are the focus!
In this video, we will explore the marking gauge and mortise gauge, two essential tools used in woodworking for precision marking. We’ll guide you through their applications, types, and the correct techniques to use them effectively and safely.
Time Stamps:
0:00 -Title & Introduction
0:11 - Objectives
0:23 - Marking gauge and their application
1:55 - Precautions
2:18 - Mortise gauge and their application
3:36 - Recap
By following these steps, you can effectively and safely use a marking gauge and mortise gauge for precise woodworking tasks. Proper handling and maintenance of these tools ensure longevity and efficiency in your work.
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Видео Demonstrate the use of marking gauge and mortise gauge | NIMI | DIGITAL | ENGLISH | канала NIMIDIGITALENGLISH
#nimi, #iti, #dgt, #nimichennai, #nimibooks, #fitter, #electrician, #turner, #mmv
Welcome to another insightful session brought to you by NIMI, where hands-on learning and skill development are the focus!
In this video, we will explore the marking gauge and mortise gauge, two essential tools used in woodworking for precision marking. We’ll guide you through their applications, types, and the correct techniques to use them effectively and safely.
Time Stamps:
0:00 -Title & Introduction
0:11 - Objectives
0:23 - Marking gauge and their application
1:55 - Precautions
2:18 - Mortise gauge and their application
3:36 - Recap
By following these steps, you can effectively and safely use a marking gauge and mortise gauge for precise woodworking tasks. Proper handling and maintenance of these tools ensure longevity and efficiency in your work.
🔹 Subscribe to Our Channel for more tutorials, skill-building sessions, and hands-on learning experiences. Stay updated with essential vocational training videos!
🌐 Follow Us Online for the latest resources, updates, and exclusive content:
#markinggauge #mortisegauge #woodworking #handtools #steelrule #joinery #precisionwork #gauge #woodworkingtips #skilltraining #vocationaltraining #handsonlearning #safetyfirst #nimi #skillindia #educationtech #nimichennai #practicaltraining #empowerthroughskills #certifiedtechnicians #chennai #guindy #nimiindia
Видео Demonstrate the use of marking gauge and mortise gauge | NIMI | DIGITAL | ENGLISH | канала NIMIDIGITALENGLISH
#nimi, #iti, #dgt, #nimichennai, #nimibooks, #fitter, #electrician, #turner, #mmv
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