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Irreversible Collapse: Accepting Reality, Avoiding Evil (Dowd, Dec 2020)

A revised (new and slightly improved: 90-95% the same) version of this program (based on feedback from hundreds of viewers), is: https://youtu.be/P8lNTPlsRtI
SUMMARY: The stability of the biosphere has been in decline for centuries and in unstoppable, out of control mode for decades. This “Great Acceleration” of biospheric collapse is an easily verifiable fact. The scientific evidence is overwhelming. Evidence is also compelling that the vast majority of people will deny this, especially those still benefitting from the existing order and those who fear that “accepting reality” means “giving up.” The history of scores of previous boom and bust (progress / regress) societies clearly reveals how and why industrial civilization is dying. Accepting that Homo colossus’ condition is incurable and terminal may be key to not making a bad situation catastrophically worse.

APPLICATION — TO AVOID BECOMING EVIL on a geological timescale, we must…
1. Minimize deadliest toxicity (nuclear, methane, chemicals).
2. Assist plants (especially trees) in migrating poleward.
3. Invest time, energy, and resources in all things regenerative, including thriving with LESS (less energy, stuff, stimulation), learning from and supporting indigenous wisdom and experience, and nurturing community eco-literacy and resilience.

CORE MESSAGE: Without an understanding of ecology, energy, and history, good people with the best of intentions will unknowingly propose and support policies likely to make a bad situation catastrophically worse. AND "If you don’t 'get' overshoot, you’ll misinterpret or misdiagnose virtually everything important.”

MAZZ ALONE video: https://vimeo.com/319602435

LONGER (8-MIN) NEWSROOM CLIP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a45cdd0robpak6f/The%20Newsroom%20%202013%20Environmental%20Protection%20Agency%20report%28EPA%29%3A%20Richard%20Westbrook%20scenes_1920x1080_MOV.mov?dl=0

0:00:00 Introduction and Thesis
0:07:06 Sane vs. Insane "Progress"
0:14:32 What is "Collapse"? The Great Acceleration of Gaian Collapse
0:20:30 ABRUPT Climate Disruptions and Nuclear Imperative
0:23:47 Progress, Overshoot, Collapse: The Lifecycle of Civilizations
0:36:34 3 Fundamental Points / 10 Certainties / Pro-future vs. Anti-future Hopes
00:52:30 It's Not Too Late - Taking Responsibility for Our Le
01:00:14 Resources and Contact Information


3-Part "Post-doom (Collapse & Adaptation) Primer": https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcAlqMeyeaW9IM0ePw8i9v8TP9yeZGeEo and https://postdoom.com/resources/

Ongoing Abrupt Climate Change and It's Consequences, by Nick Humphrey

Abrupt Climate Change: The World Tour, with Robert Hunziker

ALL post-doom conversations mentioned: https://postdoom.com/

More on nuclear: https://youtu.be/DXklDejXiNA (Also see Kevin Hester comment.)

• "Are we on the road to civilizational collapse?", by Luke Kemp
• “Are Humans Inherently Destructive?” — by Max Wilbert (2,000 words)
• “Humans Naturally Destructive” — by Derrick Jensen (1,900 words)
• “Confronting Anthropocentrism” — by Eileen Crist / (16 min video) and (16 min audio)
• "Planet of the Humans Review", by Megan Seibert
• "Crossroads for Planet of the Humans", by William Rees
• "Planet of the Humans: Why Technology Won't Save Us", by Elisabeth Robson
• Interview with Jeff Gibbs, with Max Wilbert and Jennifer Murnan
• "Carbon Sucking Unicorns" - (A) https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-45742191 and (B) https://universespirit.org/dont-worry-about-global-warming-ever-again-because-magical-carbon-sucking-unicorns-will-turn-all and (C)https://www.tree-of-life.works/tinkerbell and (D) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200420125510.htm and (E) https://www.vice.com/en/article/wnxgqm/we-cant-count-on-geoengineering-to-save-us-from-climate-change-scientists-warn

Overshoot, by William R. Catton, Jr
The Dream of the Earth, by Thomas Berry
The Great Work, by Thomas Berry
Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization, by John Perlin
GeoDestinies, by Walter Youngquist
A New Green History of the World, by Clive Ponting
The End of Ice, by Dahr Jamail
A Farewell to Ice, by Peter Wadhams
The Stable Society, by Edward Goldsmith
The Way: An Ecological Worldview, by Edward Goldsmith
What Is Sustainable, by Richard Adrian Reese
Wild, Free, and Happy, by Richard Adrian Reese
Red Alert, by Daniel Wildcat
Tending the Wild, by M. Kat Anderson
Columbus and Other Cannibals, by Jack Forbes
Native Science, by Gregory Cajete
Original Instructions, edited by Melissa Nelson
The Myth of Progress, by Tom Wessels
Our Ecological Footprint, by William E. Rees and Mathis Wackernagel
Bright Green Lies, by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, and Max Wilbert
Immoderate Greatness, by William Ophuls
Apologies to the Grandchildren, by William Ophuls
We're Doomed. Now What? by Roy Scranton
Learning to Die in the Anthropocene, by Roy Scranton
The Journeys of Trees, by Zach St. George

Видео Irreversible Collapse: Accepting Reality, Avoiding Evil (Dowd, Dec 2020) канала thegreatstory
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30 декабря 2020 г. 6:51:13