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#СправаВасиляСтуса Stus — Cherry | Lana Del Rey

Vasyl Stus is an Ukrainian poet and human rights activist, who is famous for the dissident movement against Soviet power of the XX century.

“Mentally I realised that prison’s gate had already been opened for me, that those days it was going to close after I enter the prison – close for a long time. But what should I have done? Ukrainians were not allowed to go abroad and I didn’t want actually – to go abroad: otherwise, who would be a voice of resentment and protest in a Great Ukraine? It is my fate, and we can’t choose a fate. We can only take it – whatever it is like. And when we don’t, it chooses us not giving us a choice… But I wasn’t going to give up by any means. Ukraine and my poor people were behind me. I have to stand for its honor until my death.”
(Vasyl Stus, from Camp Notebook)

His death is still a mystery. There are some versions. The first is a heart attack. The second is suicide. The third is a death blow by heavy plank-bed which was undone from a wall by a warden on purpose. The fourth is exposure. We are unlikely to find out what really happened, but in some days, Stus’s widow was announced about his death. Valentyna Popeliukh bought a zinc coffin and set out. In the airport, KGB agents recommended her to leave the coffin – she won’t get the body anyway. “… the most tolerant soviet law didn’t let a prisoner’s body be taken or reburied until their sentence was over. The dead were still prisoners.” (Vasyl Ovsienko)

How good it is that I’ve no fear of dying
Nor ask myself how ponderous my toil
Nor bow to cunning magistrates, decrying
resentiments of unfamiliar soil,
That I have lived and loved, yet never burdening
My soul with hatred, curses or regret.
My people! It is to you I am returning.
In death I somehow find my fate.
I turn my pained but goodly face to living.

- Vasyl Stus
(translated by Marco Carynnyk)

Як добре те, що смерті не боюсь я
і не питаю, чи тяжкий мій хрест.
Що вам, богове, низько не клонюся
в передчутті недовідомих верств.
Що жив-любив і не набрався скверни,
ненависті, прокльону, каяття.
Народе мій, до тебе я ще верну,
і в смерті обернуся до життя
своїм стражденним і незлим обличчям,
як син, тобі доземно поклонюсь
і чесно гляну в чесні твої вічі,
і чесними сльозами обіллюсь.
Так хочеться пожити хоч годинку,
коли моя розів'ється біда.
Хай прийдуть в гості Леся Українка,
Франко, Шевченко і Сковорода.
Та вже! Мовчи! Заблуканий у пущі,
уже не ремствуй, позирай у глиб,
у суще, що розпукнеться в грядуще
і ружею заквітне коло шиб.

Василь Стус
Musiс І used in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRbqLnVziQA

Видео #СправаВасиляСтуса Stus — Cherry | Lana Del Rey канала Lina Kumori
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30 августа 2020 г. 14:13:06