How to Reprogram Your Mind for INSTANT Manifestation
This is EXACTLY How to Reprogram Your Mind for INSTANT Manifestation. If you'd like to Raise Your Dominant Vibration PERMANENTLY, be sure to check out this powerful meditation:
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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
What if I told you there was something more powerful than reprogramming your subconscious mind? It's something that we hear all the time. Reprogram your subconscious mind and it changes your life. I'll tell you right now that I went from a nine to five job to live in my dream life, living in a nice house, living in getting to travel the world, do what I love and I didn't ever focus on reprogramming my subconscious mind.
There was something even more powerful that I found, and in this video I'm going to show you exactly what that is and it allows you to experience things faster than ever. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing something very powerful with you and first off, the first thing I want to say with this process, the way that we relate to this idea of instant manifestation is going to be the kind of experience we have, our definition of it, and when we reframe it, that's when we start to experience more of it.
Think of it like this instant manifestation, all manifestation is instant. It happens in an instant when we start to see that, that even if we tell ourselves a story that, Oh, I did this for for six months and then this thing manifested, understand that that thing manifested in an instant. In our mind, we tell ourselves a story that it took six months for us to get to that place.
So it's one of these, there's a couple of different paradoxes with this as well with this language that we use, but our language affects our mind, affects our reality and affects what we create in our lives. There's another one where if you're a, I got this from Bashar, it's if you're a, you never actually have it.
When it comes to confidence, you're always confident in something. It's just that sometimes you might be confident in a definition that doesn't serve you. So for example, you could say, Oh I have low self esteem. You don't really have low self, you're not not confident and that's why you have low self esteem.
You're confident in a definition that says you have low self esteem. So in the same way when it comes to instant manifestation, understand it already happens. It's like transformation. If we talk about transformation, I've heard Tony Robbins say this before too, when it comes to transformation, transformation happens in an instant, but it may take a period of time before that happens.
That's the story we tell ourself and understand the story we tell ourself about manifestation is going to be the kind of results that we get. So the other thing with this process as well, when it comes to that of a reprogramming, our subconscious mind understand as well, I didn't ever really focus specifically on reprogramming my subconscious mind.
Subconscious mind is a powerful tool. We can use a powerful understanding. But this thing that I share with you is what I personally use to create my own reality. And for many of you that may have seen my journey, or maybe you've heard one of my thousand YouTube videos where I talk about this, but I, uh, I used to work in nine to five jobs on women's shoes, wasn't passionate about it.
I decided one day I got up and I said, I'm going to make videos every single day until I'm a full time YouTuber. I decided I was going to be a full time YouTuber and within six months, my whole entire life transformed and since that I've, I now travel the world. I live in a very nice house that I love being in like I can do cool stuff.
I got up this morning, did a cold plunge that I have of this huge freezer upstairs as a cold plunge. I have red light therapy. I have a sauna that's going to be here today or tomorrow that I'm going to have and I live this lifestyle not because I focused on reprogramming my subconscious mind. That may have been a side effect of it, but if something even more powerful that I'm going to share with you now, if you've seen me share this before, this is the scale of consciousness right here, this has to do with understanding different rates of vibration...
Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library
Видео How to Reprogram Your Mind for INSTANT Manifestation канала Aaron Doughty
Join The Next FREE Meditation Activation With Me:
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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
What if I told you there was something more powerful than reprogramming your subconscious mind? It's something that we hear all the time. Reprogram your subconscious mind and it changes your life. I'll tell you right now that I went from a nine to five job to live in my dream life, living in a nice house, living in getting to travel the world, do what I love and I didn't ever focus on reprogramming my subconscious mind.
There was something even more powerful that I found, and in this video I'm going to show you exactly what that is and it allows you to experience things faster than ever. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing something very powerful with you and first off, the first thing I want to say with this process, the way that we relate to this idea of instant manifestation is going to be the kind of experience we have, our definition of it, and when we reframe it, that's when we start to experience more of it.
Think of it like this instant manifestation, all manifestation is instant. It happens in an instant when we start to see that, that even if we tell ourselves a story that, Oh, I did this for for six months and then this thing manifested, understand that that thing manifested in an instant. In our mind, we tell ourselves a story that it took six months for us to get to that place.
So it's one of these, there's a couple of different paradoxes with this as well with this language that we use, but our language affects our mind, affects our reality and affects what we create in our lives. There's another one where if you're a, I got this from Bashar, it's if you're a, you never actually have it.
When it comes to confidence, you're always confident in something. It's just that sometimes you might be confident in a definition that doesn't serve you. So for example, you could say, Oh I have low self esteem. You don't really have low self, you're not not confident and that's why you have low self esteem.
You're confident in a definition that says you have low self esteem. So in the same way when it comes to instant manifestation, understand it already happens. It's like transformation. If we talk about transformation, I've heard Tony Robbins say this before too, when it comes to transformation, transformation happens in an instant, but it may take a period of time before that happens.
That's the story we tell ourself and understand the story we tell ourself about manifestation is going to be the kind of results that we get. So the other thing with this process as well, when it comes to that of a reprogramming, our subconscious mind understand as well, I didn't ever really focus specifically on reprogramming my subconscious mind.
Subconscious mind is a powerful tool. We can use a powerful understanding. But this thing that I share with you is what I personally use to create my own reality. And for many of you that may have seen my journey, or maybe you've heard one of my thousand YouTube videos where I talk about this, but I, uh, I used to work in nine to five jobs on women's shoes, wasn't passionate about it.
I decided one day I got up and I said, I'm going to make videos every single day until I'm a full time YouTuber. I decided I was going to be a full time YouTuber and within six months, my whole entire life transformed and since that I've, I now travel the world. I live in a very nice house that I love being in like I can do cool stuff.
I got up this morning, did a cold plunge that I have of this huge freezer upstairs as a cold plunge. I have red light therapy. I have a sauna that's going to be here today or tomorrow that I'm going to have and I live this lifestyle not because I focused on reprogramming my subconscious mind. That may have been a side effect of it, but if something even more powerful that I'm going to share with you now, if you've seen me share this before, this is the scale of consciousness right here, this has to do with understanding different rates of vibration...
Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library
Видео How to Reprogram Your Mind for INSTANT Manifestation канала Aaron Doughty
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25 февраля 2020 г. 23:30:06
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