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This video is about how you can grow your youyube channel.
How to grow youtube channel in 2018
How to monitize YouTube channel without 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers
1. Post to YouTube multiple times per week

The channels that are getting the best results are posting videos three or more times per week. This is important when you are trying to build an audience. The content needs to be about a related topic to do better on YouTube. The more you can narrow down what you are going to talk about, the better.

For example, you could talk about pets, but a better topic would be to narrow that down to a specific animal, such as dogs. You could take that a step further and just talk about a certain breed of dog. No matter how many videos you upload in a week, you need to be constant: the same day and time each week.

This might be the most difficult advice for those wanting to grow your YouTube channel with limited resources, but it’s also one of the most effective methods to grow your YouTube channel.

2. Don’t waste the first 10 seconds

Your video shouldn’t start with an opening logo. Start your video with a hook, some way to get them interested in your video. A hook could be a story or a bold statement. If you need to show your logo, do it after the hook.

On TV, this is called a cold opening. It’s where the show starts without the logo. If you play your logo first and it takes 5 -10 seconds, you have lost 5-10 seconds that you should have been using to get the viewer interested in your video.

I personally believe you shouldn’t even introduce yourself because that is taking away time that you could be using to draw people in. Put your name in a lower 3rd graphic and if they really care to learn your name, let them read it. If you must introduce yourself, do it after the hook.

I took a lot of flak when I created a 30-minute reality show and put it on YouTube because people said it was too long but since then, everyone is jumping on the longer video bandwagon and internal reality-type episodic video. Unfortunately, this type of video is very expensive to create. That is why we have only been able to do one episode so far.

3. Create valuable content

One of the things that have caused this oversaturation of YouTube videos is companies trying to take the easy way out and flooding YouTube with cheap videos that provided no value to anyone. These videos are nothing more than a checkmark on a marketing and sales ‘to do’ list. There was no strategy that led to their creation.

So, how do you stand out? The key is to be different. Make creative videos. Make videos that tell a story. Make videos that provide value. Don’t look at what your competitors are doing because they are probably doing the wrong thing. The reason this is important is that the most important metric to YouTube is the percentage of the video the audience is actually watching. Keep them watching your videos and YouTube will show more people your videos.

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9 июня 2018 г. 14:47:46