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AEMT I99 Paramedic - Advanced Skills: Supraglottic Airway Device - EMTprep.com

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This skill video will help prepare you for the NREMT advanced practical exam, Supraglottic Airway Device station. For more great free training and educational resources, head over to our website, www.EMTprep.com

This video is specifically provided by EMTprep to assist Members in preparing for the NREMT exam and related skills sheets and for no other purpose. NREMT study aids and resources provided by EMTprep are not intended to provide training for life saving techniques, emergency response training, or any other type of medical training.

Видео AEMT I99 Paramedic - Advanced Skills: Supraglottic Airway Device - EMTprep.com канала EMTprep
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26 декабря 2015 г. 22:00:03
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