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Korn Follow The Leader.....The Album that started my music journey

In this video I talk about the album that started it all for me in my musical journey. This was the album that changed how I heard music and made me want to play guitar. That album is Korn's 3rd album Follow the Leader. It was groundbreaking in it's own right, but also inspired many people to think outside the box, especially when it came to the rock and metal genre. I hope you all enjoy my story and I would love to hear yours as well if you can relate! What band or album made you hear music in a whole different way? Or inspired you to pick up an instrument?

#korn #freakonaleash #gotthelife #followtheleader #musicjourney

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Gear Used in This Video
Fujifilm XT-3: https://amzn.to/3gmaqc7
Jolican MH1 Tripod: https://amzn.to/3x2Yq5c
Deity V-Mic D3 Pro: https://amzn.to/3uYmUL2

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16 декабря 2021 г. 6:24:58
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