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1 Day, 1 Pound, 3 Meals - Limited Budget Food Challenge

This is just another exercise where I will impose an artificial budget of £1 for 1 day, to see if I can work around that to make three nice meals - breakfast, lunch and evening meal.

So this isn't £1 a day for a week - it's £1 for 1 day only - there is no scaled budget here to save by buying things in any kind of bulk

Parameters for this challenge include::
NO spices or ingredients from my own store cupboards (tap water only)
BUT I can add in anything else that I can get for free without stealing.

Just in case it isn't abundantly clear: this is just an exercise to try to stimulate my own creativity. This is not intended to represent any kind of real-world hardship scenario.

Видео 1 Day, 1 Pound, 3 Meals - Limited Budget Food Challenge канала Atomic Shrimp
Информация о видео
29 января 2020 г. 13:05:45
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