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SAFFमा Kuwaitको entry, बलियो Philippines र Syria पनि आउने😮 | Kuwait & Philippines in SAFF 2023

SAFF has invited Kuwait football team as the guest nation for the 14th 2023 edition. A total of 8 nations will participate in the competition where 2 will be guest teams.One team will be Kuwait & reportedly Syria 🇸🇾 and Philippines 🇵🇭 are in talks to appear in SAFF Championship 2023 as the second guest nation.

Image & Video Credits: ANFA, Goalnepal, Clicksportsnepal, Srilanka Football, Google, Kuwait FA, agency, philippines FA, Bahrain FA, AFC, Syria football

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Видео SAFFमा Kuwaitको entry, बलियो Philippines र Syria पनि आउने😮 | Kuwait & Philippines in SAFF 2023 канала Sushant Raj
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