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954 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 2 Part 2 Book 80 - Daniel Part 2 - 2


Through the Bible with Les Feldick
Daniel 2:1- 4:25
Okay, it’s good to see everybody back again. We’re going to move right on into our next half hour, which will be from Daniel chapter 2. We’re going to drop in at verse 44. Again, for those of you joining us on television, we want to thank you for your letters, for your financial help, but most of all for your prayers. My, we just got back from a week in Florida, and everybody that goes by says—we pray for you every day. Well, what more could I ask for? So continue to do that, because without the prayers of the saints, we’d probably be in trouble in no time.
All right, we’re going to pick right up in our study of Daniel, back to chapter 2 verse 44. For those of you here in the studio and for those of you joining us out there in television, we appreciate again that you let us know that you take notes and that you’re learning how to study on your own.
All right, after the description of the Roman Empire, as we ended in our last half hour—and we put it up here on the board. We left it up here—how the Babylonians were the head of gold. The chest of silver was the Medes and the Persians. Greece was the brass part of that great image, remember. Then the last part, the legs of iron, was an empire that they couldn’t even describe.
And, of course, we know from history that the Roman Empire was awesome. The Roman Legions were feared from one end of the then-known world to the other. But they, too, went down into the dustbin of history and disappeared from view until, you might say, after World War II. Now, we have a re-appearance of what we call the Revived Roman Empire. Which entailed much of the same geographical area as the original Roman Empire and that, of course, will be the ten toes of clay and iron. We’re going to pick it up now in verse 44.
Daniel 2:44a
“And in the days of these kings…” In other words, when these revived Roman Empire nations have come together. I still feel—I’ve taught it for thirty-some years—that it will be the original ten nations of Western Europe who formed the Club of Rome and later on became the European Community. Even though they’ve now added and added, yet the original ten are pretty much in control.
All right, so they’re going to be the empire of the anti-Christ in the closing seven years. That’s where we pick them up now. This Revived Roman Empire out of which the anti-Christ has come. The seven years will run their course, and then the next event is the thousand year Kingdom on earth. And again, I’m realizing more and more that precious few church people, let alone the unchurched world—yeah, I’ve got heads nodding all over—they don’t know what you’re talking about. A Kingdom on earth? See, they think we’re the kingdom.
I’ll never forget a couple in one of my classes here in Oklahoma years ago. They went to a Bible conference here in Oklahoma, and they came back and said “Les, all they talked about for the whole several days of the Bible conference was, we’ve got to build the Kingdom. We’ve got to fill the Kingdom.” Well, we’re not in the Kingdom. Heavens, no, we’re not in the Kingdom. The Kingdom is that which is still future when Christ will return and be the King of Kings on planet Earth from His headquarters in Jerusalem. We are in the Body of Christ. We’re not building the Kingdom, per se; we’re building and filling the Body of Christ.
All right, now verse 44, here we have the introduction from Daniel of this earthly Kingdom over which God the Son will yet one day rule. Verse 44:
Daniel 2:44a
“And in the days of these kings (In other words, these final ten kings that comprise the Revived Roman Empire out of which the anti-Christ has come.) in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven...” Now, you see, this is the term of the biblical God in the Book of Daniel—the God of heaven. And even Nebuchadnezzar is going to come to this point in a future chapter—where he recognizes the God of heaven or the Most High God is another term. All right, and this God of Heaven:
Daniel 2:44b
“…set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people,…” As all these previous ones have. You see, when the Medes and the Persians overran the Babylonians, they kept most of what the Babylonians had established. And all the way down through the Gentile empires, they would keep what had been before. But here we have the opposite. Nobody is going to be able to take over anything of this Kingdom.
Daniel 2:44c
“…shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,...” In other words, all the empire-builders of the present day age, the global system as we now see it coming on the scene, will be utterly destroyed.


Видео 954 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 2 Part 2 Book 80 - Daniel Part 2 - 2 канала Les Feldick Bible Study
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11 августа 2017 г. 7:40:01
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