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The Skeletal Emergence | Rhapsody Plays Wildermyth #15

Wildermyth is what happens when you put XCOM, D&D, and Darkest Dungeon into a blender, put the blender in a crockpot, and then put the crockpot into a big ol' cauldron and stir madly. Wildermyth is an evolving player-driven narrative-heavy turn-based roleplaying game about taking a company of heroes and watching them learn, grow, fight, and die protecting the realm whilst leaving their marks on it. From developers Worldwalker Games, the game can be bought on Steam at - https://store.steampowered.com/app/763890/Wildermyth/

► Wildermyth playlist - https://bit.ly/RhapsodyWildermyth
► Rhaps & Teak Take a Peek at Wildermyth - https://youtu.be/SUu2T4uHDAQ

#Wildermyth #Rhapsody #Indie #RPG

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(Please note that I get a cut of any sales through my affiliate link on Nexus.gg and as such that should be considered an advertisement)

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Hey there, I'm Ryan or Rhapsody here on the internet. I make gaming videos, most often in the let's play format. I usually focus on strategy and indie games, but I tend to record whatever really takes my fancy at the time. If you're interested in the commentary I provide be sure to tune in as I release 4 new videos each and every weekday. Thanks for watching the video above and also for taking the time to read this and hopefully I'll see you next time.

Видео The Skeletal Emergence | Rhapsody Plays Wildermyth #15 канала Rhapsody
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25 августа 2021 г. 20:00:17
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