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Kalaja Gjodhajve. Giant Castle in Rubik Albania

Kalaja e Gjodhajve ka 2 mije vjet te pakten qe thirret keshtu nga banoret vendas. po kush ishin Gjodhajt ..ato ishin njerez primitivee shum te fuqishem e trup medhenj qe sipas gojedhenes se drjtperdrejte ishin banoret e ketueshem qe merreshin me shkrirjen e bakrit..sipas gojedhenes Ishin ato gjodhaj qe digjnin gure ne zjarr. Pra pushtuesi romak i perqmonte si satanist apo gjodhajt qe munduan Krishtin etjer. Ketu perballe gjendet Mali Gjrues..ose Mali i Gruas.
gojedhena thote se ushtaret romake kishin ngrit nje ure qe lidhte kato dy male rreth 200 metra e gjate e bere me litare anijesh qka tregon se deti futej thelle deri ne keto gryka dhe ishte i lundrueshem. Ushtaret romake kapen nje djale Ilir me kesule te bardhe e faqe kuq i bukur. Donin ta merrnin ushtare per pushtuesit romake. Ja moren djalin me force gruas Ilire dhe e hypen mbi ket ure shoqeruar nga dy ushtare.Gruan Ilire e bllokuan ne hyrje te ures. Gruaja ilire doli siper ne maje te gurit Kalase dhe me sopaten Ilire preu litaret e ures duke sakrifikuar djalin e vet dhe ushtaret romak ne humneren e thelle rreth 200 metra. Nga kjo mori dhe emrin "Mali i Gjrus" sot e asaj dite. Emertimet shqiptare- Iliro -Pellazge kane vete historine e vendit tone.............
The castle of Gjodhaj..giant castle.. has been called that by the locals for at least 2 thousand years. but who were the Gjodhaj ..they were very powerful primitive people and large bodies who according to the direct legend were the inhabitants here who were engaged in smelting copper..according to the folklore They were the gjodhaj who burned stones in the fire. So the Roman conqueror despised them as Satanists or all that tormented Christ. Opposite is Gjrues Mountain..or Mali i Gruas.
The legend says that the Roman soldiers had built a bridge that connected two mountains about 200 meters long and made with ropes of ships which shows that the sea penetrated deep into these gorges and was navigable. Roman soldiers capture an Illyrian boy with a white hat and a beautiful redof beautiful red cheeks. They wanted to take soldiers for the Roman invaders. They took the boy by force to the Illyrian woman and put him on this bridge accompanied by two soldiers. The Illyrian woman was blocked at the entrance of the bridge. The Illyrian woman climbed to the top of the Kalase stone and with the Illyrian ax cut the ropes of the bridge, sacrificing her son and the Roman soldiers in the abyss about 200 meters deep. From this he got the name "Mountain of Gjrus" of that day. Albanian names - Illyrian - Pelasgians have their own history of our country .....

Видео Kalaja Gjodhajve. Giant Castle in Rubik Albania канала Pal Biba Official
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13 января 2022 г. 3:21:51