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Covid-19: Prepuštanje kontrole

Covid-19 i prepuštanje kontrole!

Jedna od najvećih ironija je da, u namjeri da bismo se osjećali bezbjedno u svijetu, zapravo moramo da se odreknemo jedne od najvažnijih stvari!
Ali to nije odricanje u smislu predaje.
Prije bi se reklo da se odričemo borbe koja izvire iz uvjerenja da imamo veću kontrolu nego što je zaista tako.

Svjedoci smo totalne životne promjene od pandemije - sve nam se promijenilo! Druženja su se prorijedila, zagrljaja više nema, osmjesi se gube pod maskama, ljudi su iz dana u dan sve više neraspoloženi i cijeli svijet upada u apatiju.
Ali kada na promjenu reagiramo agresivno ili odbojno to je kao da se nalazimo u vodenom viru. Što više plivamo to više tonemo.
Način izbavljenja iz vodenog vira je u oslobođenju sebe i prepuštanju da nas struja odnese gdje god želi.
Život je nepredvidiv i ne trebate bježati od njega nego se prepustiti - prepustiti trenutku!
Kad shvatite da nemate gdje da se sakrijete, prestat ćete trčati i bježati.
I razumjet ćete da suština velike sigurnosti nije u pokušaju da zaštitimo sebe od trenutka, nego u potpunoj otvorenosti ka onome 'što jeste'!

Covid-19 and letting go of control!

One of the biggest ironies is that, in order to feel safe in the world, we actually have to give up one of the most important things!
But that is not a renunciation in terms of surrender.
Rather, it would be said that we renounce the struggle that springs from the belief that we have more control than is really the case.

We are witnessing a total life change since the pandemic - everything has changed for us! Socializing has thinned out, hugs are no more, smiles are lost under masks, people are getting more and more moody day by day and the whole world is falling into apathy.
But when we react to change aggressively or repulsively it is as if we are in a whirlpool of water. The more we swim the more we sink.
The way to get out of the water source is to free ourselves and let the current take us wherever it wants.
Life is unpredictable and you don't need to run away from it but let go - let go of the moment!
When you realize you have nowhere to hide, you will stop running and running.
And you will understand that the essence of great security is not in trying to protect ourselves from the moment, but in being completely open to what ‘is’!

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13 марта 2021 г. 13:45:54