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How to use ClickFunnels Like the PROS! Tutorial with Funnel Examples!

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How to use ClickFunnels like the pros, guys I’m really excited to share this video with you here today where we’ll be taking a look at how the most successful entrepreneurs, online influencers, and businesses are using Clickfunnels to explode their businesses leads and ultimately income. With funnels clearly having an drastic advantage over traditional websites these days, it’s no mistake why funnels are becoming a non-negotiable to any business looking to maximize their ad spend ROI whether it’s lead capture for email marketing, ecommerce, high ticket coaching, fitness programs, physical businesses, you name it and so today we're going dive into how you too can use Clickfunnels to get these same results for yourself, and so with being said, let’s dive into my computer, and lets start funnel hacking.

Alright so first off I just want to provide you with a few examples of highly successful sales funnels that I’ve come across that you too have likely seen before. So who hasn’t heard of Grant Cardone right? Well, I’m not going to site here and say that he built his professional sales career, and 350 million dollar real estate empire off of Clickfunnels alone, but I will go as far to say that CF did have a lot to do with his recent explosion in popularity mainly due to his front end funnels that he is pushing pretty much everywhere you look from youtube, facebook, instagram, ect. And so here we have perfect use of a front end funnel that he runs on social med right where he is giving away a free copy of his millionaire booklet, all the customer has to do is complete this 2 step order process where they enter in their information and email, pay the $5.95 shipping, and boom, from the simple ad that he ran from social media to this order page slash lead magnet a couple of amazing things just happened. One, Grant just acquired a new lead, Two, he has built up value equity in the customer relationship because he’s giving away his book for free, 3, this customer is now is his so called “Ecosystem”, where Grant now has a direct line of distribution through the form of an email address where he can further promote his product and service offerings. And most importantly, 4, he has acquired this customer while breaking even. Now you may be asking, how is he breaking even? Well turns out that the shipping cost averaged along with any upsells he offers more than covers the cost of his advertising, allowing him to continue spending thousands on ads while being profitable, building his audience, and selling more products. So that my friends is a prime example how you can offer something of value whether it’s a physical book, cheat sheet, ebook, or some other information product, and then target your ideal customer on social media like facebook, to rapidly build your businesses, and in this case as we’ve seen, is precisely what Grant has been doing to outspend his competitors, and seem to never run out of money, allowing his to grow his business on autopilot.

And this of course too works with ecommerce products, which is extremely useful for generating an email list of customers to upsell further products in whatever niche you may be in. So what a lot of people like to do is create a page like this with a free plus shipping offer where they give away a free mug, shirt, or piece of jewelry or whatever in exchange for the customers details which can then be used to further promote future products to through their email list. And this is essentially how people are making thousands of dollars a day just building up their customer base giving away free items like this through clickfunnels, and then remarketing to them to buy more through their shopify or affiliate stores using email marketing. And dropshipping from say, Aliexpress, where they’re making somewhere up to $20 per item of profit, which you multiply that by however many items you’re selling a day, it’s easy to see how people ARE HAVING A LOT OF success with ths method. And this approach works really well advertising your free plush shipping offer on social media where you can really target in on your ideal audience.

And guys the beauty of this is that it really does work for any lead magnet you want. So here’s an example of a webinar hosted by Tai Lopez and Anthony Morrison, both guys really big in the internet marketing space. Again offering tremendous value in the form of a webinar, in exchange for their details to get them into their ecosystem, I assume you get the point.

Here’s another webinar example by Fitness Entrepreneur Brandon Carter, really popular guy, may have seem him on Youtube or Facebook or somewhere, but again here he’s using ClickFunnels to get webinar sign-ups for his new Keto diet plan, where he most

Видео How to use ClickFunnels Like the PROS! Tutorial with Funnel Examples! канала Marketing Moguls
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5 октября 2017 г. 9:29:34