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The Cup Final - Manchester City 3 V. Birmingham 1 (1956)

Wembley Stadium, London.
GV. Massed crowds (title super over). Start of the FA (Football Association) Cup final match between Manchester City and Birmingham City. LV. Teams coming onto field walking side by side with the captains leading them. SV Towards and past, the two teams being led by their captains Len Boyd and Roy Paul. Manchester City players wear dark shirts with stripes and white shorts. Birmingham players wear white shirts and black shorts. GV. Massed crowds. SV. Queen Elizabeth II arriving in royal box. She arrives and turns round and faces crowd. SV. Len Boyd of Birmingham flicking the coin in the middle of the pitch with referee standing between him and Paul. Birmingham wins the toss. GV. Massed crowd waving. LV. Manchester City kicks off in the dark shirts and white shorts. General tussle in midfield. Ball goes to Peter Murphy who starts attack down the left wing. LV. Birmingham man with the ball, shoots straight into Bert Trautmann's arms. Trautmann runs with the ball and kicks up field. CU. Man wearing newspaper as hat. LV. Manchester City attacking. Don Revie with the ball. He passes out to Roy Clarke who receives and sends it into the middle where the players fight for the ball. Ball goes back near the penalty spot where Joe Hayes rushes in and shoots. G. Merrick dives but the ball is in the net. CU. Pan, jubilant man and boy. TV. Zoom, Manchester City attacking again. The ball is swung out to the left wing where Clarke receives and starts to bring it forward. He is being challenged by Jeff Hall. Clarke passes inside where Manchester City man flicks it over the Birmingham defence back to Clarke. Clarke jumps and puts it into the middle where Hayes and Boyd jump to head but it goes out to Bobby Johnstone. Johnstone is tackled by Green who flicks it back to one of his men who shoots and Merrick jumps to gather the ball making a nice save. He runs and kicks up field. CU. Women watching.
LV Birmingham attacking. The ball is flicked out to Gordon Astall who kicks it across the goalmouth where Bert Trautmann misjudges the ball as it comes along the ground, but there is no Birmingham player there and Bill Leivers collects the ball to take it to safety. LV In the Manchester City goal area, Birmingham attacking. The ball is loose and the Birmingham player is running onto it. SV Fans watching. LV Manchester City goalmouth. Noel Kinsey has dashed in to hit ball after Eddie Brown has flicked it to him. Ball in net. Score 1-1. Pan with jubilant players. GV Massed crowd cheering. LV Manchester City taking free kick. Kick taken and it goes up into the Birmingham goalmouth where Boyd and a Manchester player jump for it. Birmingham kick it clear out to the left wing where Alex Govan who has come back collects and starts to run upfield. He kicks the ball upfield. CU Woman clapping. LV Man City attacking down left. He kicks it up towards the Birmingham half. CU Boy spectator giving him his instructions. LV Right wing Man City attacking. Johnstone in possession beats his man beats another and pushes the ball through between Trevor Smith and Boyd where Hayes has run through for the pass, but Merrick comes out and dives on the ball as Hayes falls over it. CU Supporters. LV Man City attacking again. Johnstone with the ball on the right wing. He kicks it across goal where Jackie Dyson heads, but with Merrick beaten Hall kicks off the line and the ball goes out to the left wing where Clarke gets hold of it, turns round and centres back across goal. Merrick punches the ball away from several heads. Johnstone is rushing in. Merrick runs out of his goal, punches the ball away from Johnstone. LV Don Revie with the ball attacking the Birmingham goalmouth. He flicks it forward where a Man City man runs in and beats Green to the ball and pushes it back into the middle where a Man City player receives it. SCU Spectators.
LV Dyson running onto the ball and shoots. Ball in net. Manchester 2 - Birmingham 1. Players congratulating. GV Massed crowds cheering. CU Supporter cheering. CU Miserable supporter. LV Manchester attacking again from left wing. The ball is centred across the Birmingham area. Birmingham player heads it away but it only goes to a Manchester man. SCU Boy supporter. LV Ball coming towards the Birmingham goal mouth. Johnstone chasing it being harassed by the backs and Merrick has come out of his goal, but Johnstone shoots past the advancing Merrick. Score Manchester 3 - Birmingham 1. CU Small boy clapping his hands. CU Man cheering. LV Birmingham attacking. Johnny Newman with the ball. He pushes it through the Manchester defence. It goes past Brown too quickly for him and Trautmann dives at his feet. CU Girl spectator getting worried. LV The ball comes into the Manchester goal mouth again, where Bert
FILM ID:589.04

Видео The Cup Final - Manchester City 3 V. Birmingham 1 (1956) канала British Pathé
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