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Sara Riva - Por qué habría que abolir las fronteras?

The first talk in the Abya Yala's Conversations on a Changing Planet in Latin America series, presented by Sara Riva and entitled "Por qué habría que abolir las fronteras?"

On the other side of the Southern border of the United States, thousands of families strive to migrate from different countries for diverse reasons, which include escaping from the violence produced by the war on drugs, authoritarian regimes, dispossession of their lands, etc. In this talk, we will have Sara Rodriguez, Doctor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and current Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, to speak on this topic. She will discuss with us this context, and the appalling conditions in which the people that seek asylum or the hope for a new life are forced to live in during their exodus across the border. From her close experience with migrants, Sara will share the stories of the people she met on the border and will explain to us why all borders should be abolished.

Sara Rodriguez-Arguelles Riva es una feminista que cree que habría que abolir las fronteras (entre otras cosas). Se doctoró en el Departamento de estudios de la mujer, género y sexualidad de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, y ahora tiene una beca europea Marie Sktodowska-Curie. A Sara le quita el sueño la intersección entre fronteras, trabajo humanitario, neoliberalismo, post colonialismo y personas solicitantes de asilo. Y le devuelve el sueño bucear, viajar, dar paseos con su perro y aprender a tocar la guitarra.

Видео Sara Riva - Por qué habría que abolir las fronteras? канала CLAS at OSU
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28 июля 2021 г. 22:12:53