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#001 | Fear and the Heart — The Effects of Fear-Based Beliefs w/ don Miguel Ruiz

“Sometimes we are literally having pain in our physical body…Or something sad happened and we are grieving. Other times, our hearts will ache because we are not living our purpose.” – Brad Axelrad

Renowned spiritual teacher and international bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz is a man well-versed in both heart and purpose. In this first episode of the Face Your Dragon podcast, Miguel shares his awe-inspiring story and remarkable wisdom in an in-depth interview with host Brad Axelrad.

don Miguel Ruiz
The Face Your Dragon podcast opens up the concept that what you are most afraid of and most resisting are the very things that will set you free.

don Miguel Ruiz on Facing the Dragon

Miguel suffered a major heart attack in 2002. After waking from a 9-week coma, doctors didn’t expect him to live beyond one year.

What could possibly transpire from your life if you were given this news?

What, if anything, would you change?

Paradigms shift when life’s remaining days are suddenly quantifiable.

The damage from Miguel Ruiz’s heart attack was so severe that it left him living with only 16% of his heart’s capacity. There are only 3,500 heart transplant recipients a year and in 2009, he became one of them.

Today, Miguel has made it his life’s work to help others become aware of fear-based beliefs that hold them back from living their true potential. His insight is delivered through his books: New York Times Bestseller “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)”, “The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book” and more recently, “The Toltec Art of Life and Death: A Story of Discovery”.

Why Break Free from the Grip of Your Dragon?

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” – Joseph Campbell

Brad explains:

“It means that there’s an opportunity to actually move through the fear, and on the other side of that fear is our greatest gift to humanity.”

Miguel acknowledges:

“The biggest fear that humans have is the fear of the unknown.”

“Every time that you face an irrational fear, you find out that that fear was not even real. It disappears, and every time that any irrational fear disappears, you trust yourself even more”.

Brad’s fellow member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, Bruce Cryer, was the CEO of the HeartMath Institute for over 2 decades. Brad had the pleasure of interviewing him for an upcoming episode of the Face Your Dragon podcast.

Bruce stated one of the biggest contributions of the HeartMath research is the idea that emotional states impact the human body.

Stressful emotions like fear directly affect the heart which in turn affects “a whole host of systems and functions in the body”.

It’s true that fear profoundly affects the very quality of life.

Episode Discussions:

Miguel discusses action steps to shift from fear-based conditional love to unconditional love
How to break free from fear and use it to your advantage
What happens when you learn to love yourself without condition
The 5 Dragons, “The Four Agreements” and the 2 ways to see fear
How Miguel Ruiz faced his dragon
Brad’s first public disclosure of facing his personal dragon
HeartMath’s research findings on the effects of fear on the body
Miguel reveals how to transcend from victim, to warrior, to master
The 5 Dragons
That you’ll be found out as an imposter or a fraud

That when you put yourself out there people won’t want what you’re offering

That you’ll never have the courage to charge what you know you’re worth

That your tribe won’t get you or understand the difference you can make for them

That if you do achieve “the dream” you’ll be criticized or your personal life will suffer

Listen in as this episode illuminates the path to awareness and provides valuable guidance on how to find, face, and ride your dragon.

Here’s the thing.

1 of the 5 dragons is chaining you down from taking the leap and breaking free.

Take the 1 minute quiz now and Discover the #1 Hidden Fear Stopping You From Earning What You’re Worth - http://www.couragequiz.com

Mentioned in this episode:

Miguel Ruiz – Official website
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book
The Toltec Art of Life and Death: A Story of Discovery
HeartMath Research
Bruce Cryer – Former CEO of Heartmath

Be sure to join the Face Your Dragon Facebook Group!

Видео #001 | Fear and the Heart — The Effects of Fear-Based Beliefs w/ don Miguel Ruiz канала Brad Axelrad
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18 марта 2017 г. 2:28:01