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2 июня 2023 г. 23:55:12
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Dealing with friends & people who ask me 2 stop when giving dawah They say they know assim al hakeemDealing with friends & people who ask me 2 stop when giving dawah They say they know assim al hakeemDoes water reaching the throat break my fast? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemDoes water reaching the throat break my fast? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemTaking money from your children #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemTaking money from your children #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemNight is too short, can I combine Isha with Maghrib so that I get sleep & don't miss Fajr assimNight is too short, can I combine Isha with Maghrib so that I get sleep & don't miss Fajr assimCan we (expats) slaughter our Udhiya back home (& in poor & needy Muslim countries)? Assim al hakeemCan we (expats) slaughter our Udhiya back home (& in poor & needy Muslim countries)? Assim al hakeemThe Prophetic way of dealing with Mistakes (12) Full episode (Q & A 2nd half) #assim assim al hakeemThe Prophetic way of dealing with Mistakes (12) Full episode (Q & A 2nd half) #assim assim al hakeemWhat's stopping muslims from being influencers in technology, science, theology assim al hakeemWhat's stopping muslims from being influencers in technology, science, theology assim al hakeemTemperature Sensor co. uses gold in products & sells Is it permissible My job halal? assim al hakeemTemperature Sensor co. uses gold in products & sells Is it permissible My job halal? assim al hakeemManager, Chef are Muslims but they don't pray Can I eat in their restaurant (nutmeg) Assim al hakeemManager, Chef are Muslims but they don't pray Can I eat in their restaurant (nutmeg) Assim al hakeemCan I trust food stores when they say they don't use nutmeg? - assim al hakeemCan I trust food stores when they say they don't use nutmeg? - assim al hakeemHow can we advise family members who are involved in innovations? - assim al hakeemHow can we advise family members who are involved in innovations? - assim al hakeemSiren (or cannon) instead of maghrib adhan to indicate time for iftar - permissible? assim al hakeemSiren (or cannon) instead of maghrib adhan to indicate time for iftar - permissible? assim al hakeemLive with Restream Ask ZadLive with Restream Ask ZadIs saying Allahu Akbar after finishing fard prayer a sunnah? (Misinterpreted Hadith) assim al hakeemIs saying Allahu Akbar after finishing fard prayer a sunnah? (Misinterpreted Hadith) assim al hakeemThe process of when we can wipe over the socks when making wudu ( resident ) - assim al hakeemThe process of when we can wipe over the socks when making wudu ( resident ) - assim al hakeemIf I don't work & can't pay fidya for not fasting, must my husband or children do it assim al hakeemIf I don't work & can't pay fidya for not fasting, must my husband or children do it assim al hakeemShould I say Ghufranak first or the dua of wudu after coming out of washroom? assim al hakeemShould I say Ghufranak first or the dua of wudu after coming out of washroom? assim al hakeemDua between 2 & 4 rakahs of Taraweeh - is it authentic? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemDua between 2 & 4 rakahs of Taraweeh - is it authentic? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemHow to know if a dream is from Allah or satan? What to do if we see a bad dream? - assim al hakeemHow to know if a dream is from Allah or satan? What to do if we see a bad dream? - assim al hakeemSwallowed water while rinsing mouth & nose in wudu, is fast valid? OCD due to blocked nose assimSwallowed water while rinsing mouth & nose in wudu, is fast valid? OCD due to blocked nose assimSay Allahumma Barik if I see something nice even if the person is indulging in haram assim al hakeemSay Allahumma Barik if I see something nice even if the person is indulging in haram assim al hakeem