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Do The Illuminati CONTROL THE WORLD?!

Thanks to the internet, Hollywood, and authors like Dan Brown and Umberto Eco, most of us have heard about the Illuminati and their alleged desire to control the world. But, historical facts, interesting theories, and strange coincidences insinuate that the truth could be a little different and perhaps a lot more sinister.

In 1773, Mayer Amschel Rothschild met with 12 of his most influential friends and convinced them that if all 13 pooled their resources together they could control the world, he also put forward a candidate for the leader of the organization that would achieve this, a German Philosopher named Johann Adam Weishaupt.

In 1776, Johann Adam Weishaupt who had grown tired of a society governed by religion and Dogma began creating a new world order, promoting freedom and equality and governed by reason and rationalization, similar to the governmental system of Ancient Athens. His Project, "Dispelling the clouds of superstition and prejudice by enlightening them with the sun of reason and understanding" was called Illuminati. Thanks to the revolutionary atmosphere of the time, a lot of people liked the idea of a "New Order of the Ages", by joining forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad the number of Illuminati members grew rapidly, and the Illuminati's pyramidal hierarchy was formed with 13 different levels. Members were given greek names to help keep their identities secret, and Adam Weishaupt AKA Brother Spartacus, adopted the owl, the Ancient Athenian symbol of wisdom as an icon. The plan was to undermine governments, spy on them, infiltrate them on every level, and then control them from the shadows, a secret government to control all the actual governments, regardless of whom they may be. The organization's plans for freeing people from religious control were not well received and so they had to meet in the shadows, the organization itself was top secret, and its member's identities were unknown to most. That was until 1785 when an Illuminati courier was found dead and plans detailing the upcoming French revolution and proof of the existence of the Illuminati were found, unfortunately, France fails to act on this intelligence and 4 years later the French government was overthrown, however, after the discovery the Illuminati are named outlaws and forced to become even more secretive, from here the Illuminati's members are rumored to have spread worldwide, infiltrating many organizations, governmental bodies, and powerful political positions.

The belief is that nowadays other secret organizations such as Freemasons and skull and bones are all just lower levels of the Illuminati and at the very top are the descendants of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his 12 friends that originally started the organization back in 1773. Some of these descendants are allegedly The Rockefeller's, Albert Pike, Queen Elizabeth II, and Jacob Rothchild, a direct descendant of Mayer Amschel Rothchild.
Another supposed member was Colonel Edward Mandell House, founder of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that has had ties with every US President since its creation, except for John. f. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan both of which, were interestingly enough, victims of assassination attempts.

In 1913 the Federal reserve act was signed into law, this basically transferred the power to create money from the US government to a private group of bankers.
Only three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson said "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, and therefore, all our activities are in the hands of a few men" the government was "no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men"

It is unknown just how far the reach of the Illuminati stretches today, whether they have achieved their goal of controlling the world from the shadows or indeed whether they even exist, but if you look at the dollar bill, you'll see it has a vast amount of Illuminati symbolism: A pyramid with 13 levels, symbolizing the 13 levels of hierarchy with the all-seeing eye above it, the quote "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means "New Secular Order", 13 Illuminating Stars symbolizing the thirteen original instigators of the new world order, the Illuminati's wise owl hidden behind the number one, and the eagle holding an olive branch and arrows behind a shield where 13 vertical stripes join with one horizontal, symbolizing the Illuminati's original plan, be it through war, the 13 arrows, or peace, the olive branch with 13 leaves and olives, all will be united under one power, the banner above the eagle says E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One.

See more at www.brilliantnews.com

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