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Securing Fiber Cables against LAVA

Cable works next to the current eruption site. June 2, 2021. Volcano expedition number 19. It had been great weather. We hiked from Skála Mælifell by Langihryggur to the top of Stórihrútur (Big Ram). The same way back. Tons of fascinating footages coming soon.

News on the subject:

Laying fiber-optic cables along Suðurstrandarvegur highway (from Iceland News):

Gagnaveita Reykjavíkur has now started laying fiber optic cables along Suðurstrandarvegur, south of the volcanoes at Fagradalsfjall. The data provider says it is important to put pipes in the ground before lava flows over the area. "A cable along the south coast is important to strengthen telecommunications connections within the country, not least for the Suðurnes Islands, but also for network connections with other countries. Fiber optic cables between Iceland and abroad, with all the necessary data transmission that goes through them, run from the south coast, "says a press release from Gagnaveitan.

"We have some time"

Work according to lava flow forecast

Although the eruption put the project in a certain uncertainty, Gagnaveitan got Þóra Björg Andrésdóttir to make a lava flow forecast and now the location of the cable takes it into account. The tube is spacious and a large number of fiber optic cables can be placed inside them. "We do not know how long this eruption will last, but we consider it important to lay pipes there before the lava flow reaches the sea and no one can get over except the bird flying," says Elísabet Guðbjörnsdóttir, project manager at Ljósleiðaran.

 "We lay the rope unusually deep, at a depth of one meter, and recent observations suggest that it should be safe. Possible damage if we do not get this way with the fiber optic cable for months, months or years together, is greater than losing a potential part of some plastic pipes. In this way, we are reducing risk by embarking on the project in a flash, "adds Elísabet.

The pipes can withstand a temperature of 190 degrees

The lava flow forecast that is used indicates that lava flows can reach down to the shore for a long time. The fiber-optic cable will be laid at a depth of one meter, which is about twice as deep as usual. Observations indicate that the temperature at a depth of 40 centimeters below the lava quickly rises to about 40 degrees, while the tubes in which the fiber-optic fibers are drawn can withstand about 190 degrees. They could withstand more heat, that is, data is received through the fiber optic wires even if the tubes around them are deformed.

#Fagradalsfjall #Iceland2021

Видео Securing Fiber Cables against LAVA канала ⚡Iceland Explorer
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3 июня 2021 г. 1:35:11