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What does the core of the earth look like? (Big Questions 2/8) | VPRO Documentary

What does the inside of the Earth look like? Earth scientist and associate professor Arwen Deuss tries to visualize the inside of the Earth through seismic waves caused by earthquakes. Deuss goes to Vesuvius in Italy and to Denmark for the old measuring station of Inge Lehmann, her great inspiration. And she visits Philippe Longone, the scientist who is trying to map the inside of Mars. Are there parallels with our earth?

Episode 2 of 'Big Questions', a series in which science journalist Rob van Hattum takes a journey through science with eight Dutch researchers who are at the top of their field. Their 'big questions' are central. They tell about their heroes, visit special places and talk about the breakthroughs in their field.

Originally broadcasted in September 2020.

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