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What are common electrofusion mistakes?

This video will review the most frequently made mistakes made by operators when installing Electrofusion Fittings. The focus will be on 9 primary areas:
1. Insufficient Cleaning with Clean Water & Isopropyl Alcohol or Acetone
2. Insufficient Peeling/Scraping
3. Improper Clamping – Stress Neutralization
4. Improperly Conducting Multiple Fusions on the Same Fitting
5. Improper Marking/Assembly – Stab depth errors
6. Failure to Observe Appropriate Cooling Times
7. Improperly Cut Pipe Ends
8. Improperly Calibrated Electrofusion Processors or Power Sources
9. Out of Specification PE Pipe or Tubing

Видео What are common electrofusion mistakes? канала GF Piping Systems Americas
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29 апреля 2020 г. 0:04:18
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